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While crossing the marshy bottom through which our road led, a singular hoof-track was observed in the mud. Some were of opinion that it was a track of the great moose-deer, but the hunter-naturalist, better informed, scouted the idea declaring that moose never ranged, so far to the south. It was no doubt a very large elk that had made the track, and to this conclusion all at length came.

Not a hoof-track could be found of the road-agents' horses, nor a place where they had lain in wait until the stage came along. Landlord Larry was not one to waste energy upon impossibilities, and after reading Doctor Dick's letter he decided to return with his men to Last Chance.

Watching those clean, sinewy pasterns shoot forward well outside of the fore hoof-track straight and swift as Mace's arm in an "upper-cut," you marvel no longer at the mile-time which hitherto has seemed barely credible. Perhaps this same bitter weather may account for our disappointment in the brilliancy of Broadway.

"Je-rusalem!" ejaculated Albert, with thoughtless delight, "it is a hoof-track!" "Hold your tongue, you blockhead," warned his friend, too excited to be polite, "or you'll spoil the whole business!" "But you asked me," protested Albert, in a huff. "But I didn't shout, did I?" Again the report of a shot tore a great rent in the wintry stillness and rang out with sharp reverberations.

Go, Tom, and bring him in; and avoid the soft ground, my lad; leave no hoof-track behind you." "I think you give me always the fag of it, whatever is to be done," grumbled his companion. "Leap, Laurence, you're long enough," said the other; and the fellow left the barn accordingly, without farther remonstrance.

Soldiers, the ranchmen didn't like soldiers set too much value on government property. The trail ran but a few hundred yards east of the stream, and close to the adobe walls of the ranch. Strom, the proprietor, got out his lantern and searched below the point where the little troop had turned off. No recent hoof-track, southbound, was visible. "He couldn't have come this far," said he.

Go, Tom, and bring him in; and avoid the soft ground, my lad; leave no hoof-track behind you." "I think you give me always the fag of it, whatever is to be done," grumbled his companion. "Leap, Laurence, you're long enough," said the other; and the fellow left the barn accordingly, without farther remonstrance.