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'That is my married wife, he declared, 'and no one else will I have, and at that very moment the spells fell off him, and never more would he be a hoodie. Happy indeed were they to be together again, and little did they mind that the hill of poison took long to cross, for she had to go some way forwards, and then throw the horse-shoes back for him to put on.

High and low they looked for it, but nowhere could they find it, and the farmer, who had come to see his daughter, was greatly grieved, as he feared it might be thought that he had stolen it, because he did not want the hoodie for a son-in-law. The next year the hoodie's wife had another son, and this time a watch was set at every door. But it was no use.

When, even, she blundered into the dairy to find rope and caught sight of a horrible red pile of meat that had been Hoodie, she could not cry about it. She was too busy thinking that, out of her adventuring, a day would come when the old place would be warmed and lighted again, and she told this to Aunt Janet, who was sitting, sunk in thought, by the fire in the book-room.

Doctor, if we're wrecked isn't it a good thing I can row and swim? Do you think we might get wrecked? I'd have that nice little neat boat the third along and rescue the women and children! If the boat gets full I'll hop out and swim and if sharks come along I'll tell them what Aunt Janet said about Hoodie. I think I'd be tough, don't you?"

It took him but a short time to cut a road through the blackthorn, and then he laid the axe and the knife under a tree. 'I will leave them there till I return, he murmured to himself, but a hoodie crow, which was sitting on a branch above, heard him. 'If thou leavest them, said the hoodie, 'we will steal them.

The soothsayer told him that there was no way of killing the sea-maiden but the one way, and this is it "In the island that is in the midst of the loch is the white-footed hind of the slenderest legs and the swiftest step, and though she be caught, there will spring a hoodie out of her, and though the hoodie should be caught, there will spring a trout out of her, but there is an egg in the mouth of the trout, and the soul of the sea-maiden is in the egg, and if the egg breaks, she is dead."

It took him but a short time to cut a road through the blackthorn, and then he laid the axe and the knife under a tree. 'I will leave them there till I return, he murmured to himself, but a hoodie crow, which was sitting on a branch above, heard him. 'If thou leavest them, said the hoodie, 'we will steal them.

It was a gray crow, and the ravens knew that never was gray crow an innocent lost in the wilderness. If the gray, or hoodie, crow always remembering that crows, gray or black, are servants of the Devil, just as ravens are, and very cunning if the crow, I say, thought that here was food without some horrible form of hidden death lurking behind it, then the chances were the gray crow was right.

Well, the next year it all happened again, and the hoodie's wife was so unhappy that her husband resolved to take her away to another house he had, and her sisters with her for company. So they set out in a coach which was big enough to hold them, and had not gone very far when the hoodie suddenly said: 'You are sure you have not forgotten anything?

This day everything befell as on the two other days, but when she reached the small house, the woman bade her keep awake, and if the hoodie flew into the room, to try to seize him. But the wife had walked far, and was very tired, and strive as she would, she fell sound asleep. Many hours she slept, and the hoodie entered through a window, and let fall a ring on her hand.