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He looked cold and phlegmatic. He was hard upon the widow, pitiless to the orphan, and a terror to his clerks; they were not allowed to waste a minute. Learned, crafty, double-faced, honey-tongued, never flying into a passion, rancorous in his judicial way." "But there is goodness in him," cried Finot; "he is devoted to his friends.

Max Tack, of the hard eye and the soft smile, of the slim figure and the semi-bald head, of the flattering tongue and the business brain, bent his attention full on the very plain Miss Sophy Gold. "Aren't you going to introduce me?" he demanded. Miss Morrissey introduced them, buyer fashion names, business connection, and firms. "I knew you were Miss Gold," began Max Tack, the honey-tongued.

Does any contemporary literary allusion to Shakespeare call him "LEARNED"? He is "sweet," "honey-tongued," "mellifluous," and so forth, but I ask for any contemporary who flattered him with the compliment of "learned." They speak of Shakespeare the author and actor; not yet had any man divided the persons. Elizabethan and Jacobean scholarly poets were widely read in the classics.

We had hardly set foot in Provence this last spring, my wife and I, before we realized, with grateful wonder, that we had come to a country that has a poet for a king. On arriving at Marseilles almost the first word we heard was "Mistral" not the bitter wind of the same name, but the name of the honey-tongued "Master."

At the feet of the idol who is so appropriately enthroned among so many artistic objects!" replied the honey-tongued Prudhomme, adjusting his eyeglasses. "The bust of General de Prerolles, no doubt?" he added, inquiringly, scrutinizing a marble statuette placed on the high mantelpiece. "You are wrong, Monsieur Desvanneaux; it is that of Moliere!" "I beg your pardon! I am standing so far below it!

As EURIPIDES is the most sententious among the Greek poets: so is WARNER among our English poets. As the soul of EUPHORBUS was thought to live in PYTHAGORAS: so the sweet witty soul of OVID lives in mellifluous and honey-tongued SHAKESPEARE. Witness his VENUS and ADONIS; his LUCRECE; his sugared Sonnets, among his private friends; &c.

The gallant Frenchman and the honey-tongued Italian screamed with the women, and made even less play with umbrellas and straps; but Lassalle fell like a thunderbolt with his Robespierre stick upon the whole band of cretins, and reduced them to howls and bloodstained tears.

Having one great end to direct all your poetical faculties to, and on which to lay out your hopes, your ambition will show you to what you are equal. By the sacred energies of Milton! by the dainty, sweet, and soothing phantasies of honey-tongued Spenser!

But judging from his present recklessness, they would be forthcoming. For where was the Tubbs of yesterday the honey-tongued, the suave, the anxiously obsequious Tubbs? Gone, quite gone. Instead, here was a Tubbs who cocked his helmet rakishly, and leered round upon the company, deaf to the claims of loyalty, the pleas of friendship, the voice of tenderness Aunt Jane's.

When you see our venerable senior and madame, my mother, you should be a little more even-tempered, for if you still behave like this, you'll at once get a scolding!" "Eat away, eat away!" urged Yue Ch'uan-erh. "There's no need for you to be so sweet-mouthed and honey-tongued with me. I don't put any faith in such talk!" So speaking, she pressed Pao-yue until he had two mouthfuls of soup.