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On January 19 they reached Marseilles, and two days later they embarked on that dreary winter voyage, so pleasant at an earlier season, for Civita Vecchia; and on the 20th they rolled into the Eternal City, with such sensations as one may imagine. Nemo similis Homeri. There is nothing like the charm of a first visit to Rome.

As Grotius's religion was a problem to many, Menage wrote an Epigram on this occasion, the sense of which is, that as many different sects claimed his religion, as there were towns which contended for the birth of Homer: Smyrna, Rhodes, Colophon, Salamis, Argos, Athenæ, Siderei certant vatis de patriâ Homeri: Grotiadæ certant de religione Socinus, Arrius, Arminius, Calvinus, Roma, Lutherus.

Smyrna, Rhodos, Colophon, Salamis, Chios, Argos, Athenæ, Siderei certant vatis de patriâ Homeri: Grotiadæ certant de religione, Socinus, Arrius, Arminius, Calvinus, Roma, Lutherus. Grotius's Project of Religious Pacification. A wish for religious peace among Christians grew with the growth and strengthened with the strength of Grotius.