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Why the dickens didn't you tell me that it was the Princess Genevra of Rapp-Thorberg who was coming?" "Never thought of it. I didn't know you were interested in princesses, Chase." Hollingsworth Chase now felt that he was on neutral ground with the Princess Genevra. He could hardly credit his senses.

Zenobia and Hollingsworth went next, in close contiguity, but not with arm in arm. Now, just when they had passed the impending bough of a birch-tree, I plainly saw Zenobia take the hand of Hollingsworth in both her own, press it to her bosom, and let it fall again! The gesture was sudden, and full of passion; the impulse had evidently taken her by surprise; it expressed all!

She sank back into the water, her bow leaping upward, a cloud of spray in her wake, like a waterspout. Mrs. Hollingsworth was a wealthy divorcee, living rather quietly with her two children, of whom the courts had awarded her the care. She was a striking woman, one of those for whom the new styles of dress seem especially to have been designed.

She could judge between them. Three sentences she had heard uttered that day crowded upon each other to be uppermost: not the weakest of which was one which had fallen from the lips of Hollingsworth Chase. "It is impossible incredible!" she was saying to herself. "I could not love him like that. I should hate him.

"In Heaven's name, Hollingsworth," cried I, getting angry, and glad to be angry, because so only was it possible to oppose his tremendous concentrativeness and indomitable will, "cannot you conceive that a man may wish well to the world, and struggle for its good, on some other plan than precisely that which you have laid down?

Hollingsworth came forward and stood in the pastor's place at the desk. Mrs. Molesworth twisted her neck in an endeavor to see if he had notes; Colonel Parton decided promptly that here was no orator; Belle smiled at Rosalind across the aisle, thinking of the detective.

The flitting moment after Zenobia sank into the dark pool when her breath was gone, and her soul at her lips was as long, in its capacity of God's infinite forgiveness, as the lifetime of the world! Foster bent over the body, and carefully examined it. "You have wounded the poor thing's breast," said he to Hollingsworth, "close by her heart, too!" "Ha!" cried Hollingsworth with a start.

Cynthia was on the point of indignant-protest, but she stopped herself in time. "I will tell you what he has done," she answered, "and then you shall judge for yourself." And she told Miss Lucretia, simply, all that Bob had done, and all that she herself had done. "He is like his mother, Sarah Hollingsworth; I knew her well," said Miss Lucretia.

But now, with your free consent, I desire the privilege of asking a few questions, in my turn." "I have no concealments," said Hollingsworth. "We shall see," answered Zenobia. "I would first inquire whether you have supposed me to be wealthy?" "On that point," observed Hollingsworth, "I have had the opinion which the world holds." "And I held it likewise," said Zenobia.

Her fellow-passenger was in far other excitement; he was to see Hawthorne, and in a manner to meet Priscilla and Zenobia, and Hester Prynne and little Pearl, and Miriam and Hilda, and Hollingsworth and Coverdale, and Chillingworth and Dimmesdale, and Donatello and Kenyon; and he had no heart for any such poor little reality as that, who could not have been got into any story that one could respect, and must have been difficult even in a Heinesque poem.