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"It's a shame to break in upon you." "We are delighted to see you. Your interruption will only postpone a good thing to a better," said the kind-hearted schoolmaster, laying down his book. "Will you take a pipe?" "With pleasure but not here, surely?" "Oh! we smoke everywhere in holiday-time." "You enjoy your holiday, I can see." "I should think so.

An old acquaintance of long-ago days between Mrs Harper and the Misses Scarlett was renewed by the ladies of Ivy Lodge coming to Southcliff one Midsummer holiday-time for sea-air, and this resulted in their offering to take Camilla, then almost grown-up, and later her younger sisters, on exceptionally moderate terms. The news from and of the far-away 'boys' was regular and good.

If it were on the stage, I should say it was a splendid piece of acting of the suppressed vehement kind, you know; but really during a holiday-time, when one naturally wishes to enjoy the fine weather and gather strength for one's work well, I do think he ought not to come with us, pappy." "Very well; you can hint as much without being rude." "I was thinking," said she, "of the Mr. and Mrs.

During this period there was only one thing that troubled me, which was, that I never saw my father. Owing to what at the time seemed to me an uninterrupted series of unfortunate coincidences, it invariably happened that when holiday-time came round my father had urgent business calling him away from home; and arrangements had accordingly to be made for my spending my holidays at the school.

Rorie had been her playfellow and companion in his holiday-time for the last five years. All their tastes were in common.

I mean full of the promise that will some day mean performance. But yes, I will send him to a good school." A good school was selected, and Dexter duly sent down to it, leaving Helen very unwillingly, but holding up manfully, and the doctor said he would come back at the holiday-time vastly improved.

With Allison to play her accompaniments, she chose her sweetest pieces, and threw her whole soul into the rendering of them. She was so grateful to these dear people who had taken her in like one of themselves, and given her such a happy, happy holiday-time that she did her best, and Gay's best on the violin was a treat even to the musical critics in the company.

In the autumn holiday-time friends in the south, who happened to be visiting Scotland, were invited to stop at Mount Morven on their way to the Highlands; and were accustomed to meet the neighbors of the Linleys at dinner on their arrival. The time for this yearly festival had now come round again; the guests were in the house; and Mr. and Mrs.

If you open the bed-curtains, you let in the light. My poor eyes! Why are you here, my dear? Why are you not at the school?" "It's holiday-time, aunt. Besides, I have left school for good." "Left school?" Miss Letitia's memory made an effort, as she repeated those words. "You were going somewhere when you left school," she said, "and Cecilia Wyvil had something to do with it.

In holiday-time the street is the arena of the young bloods of the neighbourhood, and the householders have an opportunity of studying the manly art of self-defence. And yet Norfolk Street has one claim to be respectable, for it contains not a single shop unless you count the public-house at the corner, which is really in the King's Road.