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Everything was ready for kit inspection; the recruits stood lined up ready for the officer, and the officer had his bad temper all complete. He marched up and down the line, grimly eyeing each man's bundle of needles and soft soap, and then he singled out Private MacTootle as the man who was to receive his attentions. "Toothbrush?" he roared. "Yes, sir." "Razor?" "Yes, sir." "Hold-all?"

"Oh?" said the King, excluding from his tone any indication of gratitude over the too long delayed discovery. "And pray, where is she?" "I regret to say, sir, that her Royal Highness is at this moment in Stonewall Jail." "Good Heavens!" exclaimed the King, startled out of his coldness. "Whatever took her there?" "She was taken, sir, in a 'Molly Hold-all' along with several others.

There was another conversation, and it became plain that the two ladies were expostulating with the dripping gentleman. Jimmy Kinsella stood a little apart and gazed placidly at the two boats. Then the hold-all was unpacked and a number of garments laid out on the beach. They were sorted out and a bundle of them handed to the spy.

JEYPORE, December 10th: On the morning of our departure from Bombay, we each found a fat, brown, English "hold-all," enclosing bedding, which was added to our luggage, the aggregate requiring much additional space in our compartments. Our route to Jeypore lay through Ahmedabad, once a place of much importance, and still of interest on account of its artistic mosques.

One extra fly of above size, with poles, ropes, etc, complete. Five ground sheets for above, one foot larger each way, i.e., 11 by 9. Four mosquito nets for one-half tents, 9 feet long. Four circular canvas baths. Twelve green, round-bottom bags 43 by 30. Four hold-all bags with padlocks. Two fifty-yard coils 1 1-4 Manila rope. One pair wood blocks for 1 1-4 brass sheaves, strapped with tails.

Little boys and young girls peered at him over the tops of seats, men stopped in the aisle to talk to him, old ladies put on their glasses and studied his clothes, his bulky canvas hold-all, and even the book he kept opening and forgetting to read. The country that rushed by him on each side of the track was more interesting to his trained eye than the pages of any book.

The Rat, with a snort of contempt, swung round to go, tripped over a hat-box, and fell, with undignified remarks. 'If people would be more careful, said a field-mouse rather stiffly, 'and look where they're going, people wouldn't hurt themselves and forget themselves. Mind that hold-all, Rat! You'd better sit down somewhere. In an hour or two we may be more free to attend to you.

And the young man with the thin volume of poetry stood at the stern watching England receding, looking rather lonely and sad to Miss Winchelsea's eye. And then came Calais and tumultuous novelties, and the young man had not forgotten Miss Winchelsea's hold-all and the other little things.

A well-to-do Mahratta cartman will carry in his waistband a sort of bijou hold-all of coloured cloth, which, when unrolled, displays neat pockets of different forms for the leaves, broken nuts, lime box, spices, etc.; but a native magistrate, who goes about attended by a peon and need not carry his own things, will have a box of polished brass, or even silver, divided into compartments.

He answered: "Oh! thanks awfully it was awfully good of you to come and meet me." "Cicely's so busy. It's only the T-cart. Have you got much luggage?" She took up his hold-all, and he took it from her; she took his bag, and he took it from her; then they went out to the T-cart. A small groom stood there, holding a silver-roan cob with a black mane and black swish tail.