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And bymeby they got closer and closer, and then they went arm-in-crook, like courting complete hok-hok! like courting complete hok! courting complete " Losing the thread of his narrative at this point simultaneously with his loss of breath, their informant looked up and down the field apparently for some clue to it. "Well, I see our mis'ess and a soldier a-ha-a-wk!" "Damn the boy!" said Gabriel.

And bymeby they got closer and closer, and then they went arm-in-crook, like courting complete hok-hok! like courting complete hok! courting complete " Losing the thread of his narrative at this point simultaneously with his loss of breath, their informant looked up and down the field apparently for some clue to it. "Well, I see our mis'ess and a soldier a-ha-a-wk!" "Damn the boy!" said Gabriel.

"How many more times must I tell you to keep from running so fast when you be eating? You'll choke yourself some day, that's what you'll do, Cain Ball." "Hok-hok-hok!" replied Cain. "A crumb of my victuals went the wrong way hok-hok! That's what 'tis, Mister Oak! And I've been visiting to Bath because I had a felon on my thumb; yes, and I've seen ahok-hok!"

"How many more times must I tell you to keep from running so fast when you be eating? You'll choke yourself some day, that's what you'll do, Cain Ball." "Hok-hok-hok!" replied Cain. "A crumb of my victuals went the wrong way hok-hok!, That's what 'tis, Mister Oak! And I've been visiting to Bath because I had a felon on my thumb; yes, and l've seen ahok-hok!"