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I hardly think that our friend with the slimy manner will use machine-guns to blast us out. And if he does well, it wouldn't be the first time that this house was used as a fortress. I'm not going one step out of here unless you two come with me." Rupert shrugged. "As I can't very well hog-tie you to get you to town, I suppose you will have to stay. But I am going to send for Lucy."

They sure do hate to turn loose a gringo when they have got the hog-tie on him. Like as not they would decide against him at the last, then. Course I've got the law machinery grinding, too, but I'm not banking on it real heavy. We'll get him out first any old way, then get the government to O. K. the thing." "How were you thinking of proceeding?"

"Combin' his chaps, by cripes!" came rumbling behind him. Pink turned. "Say! Don't make so much noise about it," he advised guardedly. "I've got an idea." "Yuh want to hog-tie it, then," Big Medicine retorted, resentful because Pink seemed not to grasp the full humor of the thing.

"It looks like it, Cole," laughed Broderick gently. "Only when you get ready to pull off your little roping party I wish you'd let me know. He don't look like he's the kind to lie down and let you hog-tie him, does he, Miss Waverly? They say he's half Texan an' the other half panther. You want to be quick on the throw, Cole. Remember the way he got the Kid last winter!"

The cowboys, feeling themselves privileged spectators by reason of craft affiliation, made a ring around the scene of punishment, shouting in enjoyment of the spectacle, for it was quite in harmony with the cruel jokes and wild pranks which made up the humorous diversions of their lives. "You'll have to hog-tie that feller," said one, drawing nearer than the rest in his interest.

"We try to prove Fred was murdered, and what's the result? Something happens: to me, mebby, or Frank, or both of us. And you can't say, 'Here, I know the Sawtooth had a hand in that. You got to prove it! And when you've proved it," he added bitterly, "you got to have officers that'll carry out the law instead of using it to hog-tie yuh." His futile, dull anger surged up again.

Many young men had studied that way some of them even without instruction. Henry Clay, for instance, and Lincoln. And was Mr. Annersley thinking of continuing with his studies and entering college, or did he merely wish to become conversant with the fundamentals? "If I kin git so I can throw and hog-tie some of them fundamentals without losin' my rope, I reckon I'll be doin' all I set out to do.

And then at once, as though the personal contact of the touch had broken through the last crumb of numbness with which shock had overlaid Buck Johnson's passions, the insanity of his rage broke out. He twisted her violently on her face, knelt on her back, and, with the short piece of hard rope the cowboy always carries to "hog-tie" cattle, he lashed her wrists together.

They've got you between them, an' if you bat an eyewinker they'll down you. I'm goin' to gas to you I'm goin' to tell you what I think of you for ropin' me an' draggin' me back to Willets, to show to the damned yaps on the station platform. An' after that I'm goin' to hog-tie you an' Ah!" Antrim's exclamation was a mere gasp.

Look out for him everybody!" "G-gg-ggg-ough!" gurgled Pinkey. "Who bit you, feller?" the cook asked, soothingly. "G-ggg-gg-ough!" was the agonized answer. "We'll have to throw and hog-tie him." Mr. Hicks looked around to see if there was a rope handy. "Don't let him snap at you," called Mr. Stott from a safe distance. "If it gets in your blood, you're goners."