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"Give me back my five francs, you thief!" the brutish creature finally blurted out ere he fell into a hog-like sleep. Desperate evils need desperate remedies. I spent the rest of the night thinking hard. By the time that dawn was breaking my mind was made up. Theodore's stertorous breathing assured me that he was still insentient.

We could distinguish their thick hog-like snouts, and yellow chin-beards as they advanced; and we had no doubt about what sort of enemy was before us. Had there been only one or two of these hideous brutes, an attack from them would have been dangerous enough far more so than an encounter with hyenas or fierce mastiff dogs, for the mandrill is more than a match for either.

He was not a Silenus to guzzle hog-like over husks when the life had gone. Besides Wayland laughed aloud the idea of her nature permitting a Silenus near enough to breathe the same atmosphere that she breathed was inconceivable.

We now hurried on more eagerly than ever, in spite of Duppo's signs to us to be cautious. I felt convinced that John alone could have fired those shots. Again another shot sounded close to us; and on emerging from the thicker part of the forest, we saw at a little distance the ground covered with a herd of hog-like animals though smaller than ordinary hogs which I guessed at once were peccaries.

He was afraid that he would be dragged into a discussion, and sat looking away from them to the medals, and to the walls, on which were posters, showing mighty fists with hammers and flaming torches, or hog-like men lolling on the chests of workmen, which they seemed to enjoy more than the workmen. By and by he ventured to scan the group. Carson Haggerty, the American poet, was there.

Also on the river side of them appeared huge, hog-like beasts, with gleaming tusks, and red cavernous mouths, and beyond these again, crashing through the brushwood, a gigantic brute that bore a single horn upon its snout. "Now our end is at hand," said Tua faintly, "for surely these creatures will devour us."