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I inform them that I have come over seven thousand miles, and will also visit Nichiren's birthplace. "Sayo de gozarimos! Naru hodo?" I have reached their hearts through the gates of surprise. A foreigner visiting Nichiren's birthplace! And coming seven thousand miles too! The old ladies become loquacious. They pour out their questions by dozens. Do you have Booddhist temples in America?

"Naru hodo," said he, with a start as the spout of the kettle turned into a badger's nose with its big whiskers, while from the other side sprouted out a long bushy tail.

"Naru hodo" said the priests. "What a strange bell. It wants to go back. It is not satisfied with our ringing." "Ah! I know what is the matter" said the aged abbot. "It must be sprinkled with holy water of Hiyeisan. Then it will be happy with us. Ho! page bring hither the deep sea shell full of sacred water."

"No? Naru hodo! Then what do you believe in?" It did not take long to answer that question. There is no country in the world in which Christianity has been more publicly and universally advertised. "Whosoever believeth in Christ shall be damned whosoever believeth not shall be saved," was the formula taught by the priests for centuries.