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The contest was one of several days' continuance: when at last it was terminated by a capitulation, all Mexico rang with rejoicing; and Santa Anna, then not thirty-five years of age, received the military rank which he now holds General of Division. Breva Reséña Histórica, p. 280. See King's Proclamation, printed at Havana, 6th September, 1831. See note 1. In the Stage and out of the Stage.

"Popular Antiquities," 1849, i. 315. "Indo-European Tradition and Folk-lore," p. 197. See Dr. Prior's "Popular Names of British Plants," p. 130; Phillips' "Flora Historica," i. 163. See Sowerby's "English Botany," 1864, i., p. 144. See "Folk-lore of British Plants," Dublin University Magazine, September 1873, p. 318. See Thorpe's "Northern Mythology," 1852, iii. 168.

At the one end of the scale is the Leipsic Bibliotheca Horatiana, ambitious only of commemorating the several editions of Horace, or Kuster's Bibliotheca Historica Brandenburgica, sacred to the histories of that duchy; while the other extremity aims at universality, an object which has not yet been accomplished, and seems every day fleeing farther off from those who are daring enough to pursue it.

Diodorus Siculus, who was a contemporary of Julius Caesar, describes the north-west winds in Gaul as violent enough to hurl along stones as large as the fist with clouds of sand and gravel, to strip travellers of their arms and clothing, and to throw mounted men from their horses. Bibliotheca Historica, lib. v., c. xxvi.

STAHL, D. AGUSTIN. Los Indios Borinqueños. Puerto Rico, 1887. TAPIA, D. ALEJANDRO. Biblioteca histórica de Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico, 1854. TORRES, D. LUIS LLORENS. América. Estudios históricos y filológicos. Madrid y Barcelona, 1897. UBEDA Y DELGADO, D. MANUEL. Isla de Puerto Rico, Estudio histórico-geográfico. Puerto Rico, 1878.

As the book may not be common in England, I shall transcribe my own character from the Bibliotheca Historica of Meuselius, a learned and laborious German. "Summis aevi nostri historicis Gibbonus sine dubio adnumerandus est. Inter capitolii ruinas stans primum hujus operis scribendi concilium cepit. Florentissimos vitae annos colligendo et laborando eidem impendit.

Birch's publications are either originals, that is, letters or state-papers; or they are narratives drawn from originals, for he never wrote but from manuscripts. They are the true materia historica.

We have no history of the last six fragmentary books of the Annals at least, up to this time; though I shall give it towards the end of this inquiry; but we are told all about the discovery of the fragmentary first six books by Meibomius, the Westphalian historian, and Professor of Poetry and History at Helmstaedt at the close of the sixteenth century in his Opuscula Historica Rerum Germianicarum, while telling the story of the life of Witikind, the monk of the Abbey of Corvey; by Justus Lipsius in note 34 to the second book of the Annals; by Brotier, and other editors of Tacitus.

It stands at length in Pertz's admirable 'Monumenta Historica, among many another like biography, and if I tell it here somewhat at length, readers must forgive me.

Actively engaged through life as a politician and a soldier, he has found time to readjust the whole complicated system of Mexican laws, and, in a series of volumes of autocratic decrees, he has drawn from that chaotic mass a new system of jurisprudence, that will stand as a monument of his genius as long as the Mexican nation shall continue. Bréva Reséña Histórica, by Gen. Tornel.