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Many guests were present horse dealers, cattle drovers, and two Englishmen. The Englishmen were so rich that their pockets quite bulged out and seemed ready to burst; and they could bet too, as you shall hear. "Hiss-s-s, hiss-s-s." What could that be by the stove? The apples were beginning to roast. "What is that?" asked one. "Why, do you know" said our peasant.

Many guests were present horse dealers, ox-herds, and two Englishmen and the two Englishmen were so rich that their pockets bulged out with gold coins, and almost burst; and they could bet too, as you shall hear. Hiss-s-s! hiss-s-s! What was that by the stove? The apples were beginning to roast! "What is that?" "Why, do you know ," said our peasant.

Many guests were present horse dealers, ox-herds, and two Englishmen and the two Englishmen were so rich that their pockets bulged out with gold coins, and almost burst; and they could wager, too, as you shall hear. Hiss-s-s! hiss-s-s! What was that by the stove? The apples were beginning to roast. "What is that?" "Why, do you know " said our peasant.

From the jury-box where the twelve sworn brethren were whispering together, a sound in the general stillness like a prolonged "hiss-s-s!" was heard; and then, in answer to the challenge of the officer, "How say you, gentlemen of the jury, guilty or not guilty?" came in a melancholy voice the finding, "Guilty."

And now again the terrible "Hiss-s-s!" taken up by the other box, and the words repeated loudly and more angrily even than before the historic words which sealed Lola's doom at Her Majesty's Theater: "WHY, IT'S BETTY JAMES!" She was, indeed, Betty James, and London would not accept her as Lola Montez.

And now again the terrible "Hiss-s-s!" taken up by the other box, and the words repeated loudly and more angrily even than before the historic words which sealed Lola's doom at Her Majesty's Theater: "WHY, IT'S BETTY JAMES!" She was, indeed, Betty James, and London would not accept her as Lola Montez.

"Rob!" she whispered in the dog's ear, keeping her eyes fixed on the man, who had now nearly finished trimming his stick. "Rob! hiss-s-s-s!" and she patted his back. Rob seemed to listen very attentively. "Hiss-s-s!" she whispered again, her heart beating quick and hard. Rob now raised his head, his big body began to quiver, and the hair on his back gradually rose on end. "Hiss! Rob!