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Had he said that them there Hirish swoine were badly feade, I'd ha' thought it fairish enough on un; but to seay that they was oll weal feade on tip-top feeadin'! Nea, nea! I knaws weal enough that they was noat feade on nothin' at oll, which meakes them loak so poorish! Howsomever, I shall fatten them. I'se warrant I'se warrant I shall!"

You'll find some more candidix for the place upstairs; but I sent away forty-four happlicants, because they was Hirish. "We were taken upstairs over very soft carpets, and brought into a room, and told by an old lady who was there to speak very softly, for my Lady was only two rooms off.

When driven home to sties somewhat more comfortable than the cabins of unfortunate Irishmen, they were well supplied with food which would have been very often considered a luxury by poor Paddy himself, much less by his pigs. "Measter," said the man who had seen them fed, "them there Hirish pigs ha' not feasted nout for a moonth yet: they feade like nout I seed o' my laife!!"

"I stuffed!" exclaimed the indignant lady, whose thin face had for a considerable time been visible, for it was long past dawn; "I defy you, sir," she replied, "you large, nasty, Hirish farmer, as feeds upon nothing but taters. I stuffed! no lady you nasty farmer goes without padding, which is well known to any man as is a gentleman. But stuffed! I defy you, nasty Paddy; I was never stuffed.

When the last of them came bounding into the sty, Hodge approached, quite breathless and exhausted: "Oh, measter," he exclaimed, "these be not Hirish pigs at oll, they be Hirish devils; and yau mun ha' bought 'em fra a cunning mon!" "Hodge," replied his master, "I'se be bit I'se heard feather talk about un.

He had a sheaf of evening papers under his arm, and was yelling with much enthusiasm to an edified crowd: 'Noose of the War! Hawful mutilation of the dead! Fearful collision in the Channel! Eighty-eight lives lost! Narrative of survivors! Thrilling details! Shindy in Parl'ment! Hirish members to the front again! 'Orrible haccident in our own town! The Lady Claudia's bust!"

Gentlemen, if you promise not to send me to jail, I'll tell you everything." "Well, then, proceed," said the squire; "I will not send you to jail, provided you tell the truth." "Nor I, my good girl," added Sir Robert, "but upon the same conditions." "Well, then, gentlemen, I was acquainted with Miss Herbert she is Hirish, but I'm English. This gentleman gave her a letter to you, Mr.

The idea of low "Hirish" hodmen or labourers rescuing prisoners from them, the valiant and the brave! Why, gentlemen, the Seth Bromleys of the "force" in Manchester waxed hilarious and derisive over the idea.

The authorities called for "special constables," and, partly attracted by the plenteous supply of drink and free feeding; and partly impelled by their savage fury against the "Hirish" or the "Fenians," suddenly become convertible terms with English writers and speakers a motley mass of several thousands, mainly belonging to the most degraded of the population, were enrolled.

Jhansi ain't a beauty to look at, but I wasn't goin' to 'ave a hired turn-out. Jerry Blazes? If I 'adn't 'a' wanted something, Sim might ha' blowed Jerry Blazes' blooming 'ead into Hirish stew for aught I'd 'a' cared.