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One who has done so much to bring about the marriage cannot in conscience refuse his allotment of the fruits. Maidens, I hear, first cook it under their pillows, and extract nuptial dreams therefrom said to be of a lighter class, taken that way. It's a capital cake, and, upon my honour, you have helped to make it you have indeed! So here it is." The table again went at Hippias.

Within a minute the stalwart Berry, despatched by the baronet to arrange everything for their comfort, had opened the door, and made his bow. "Mr. Richard, sir? evaporated?" was Berry's modulated inquiry. "Behind among the boxes, fool!" Hippias growled, as he received Berry's muscular assistance to alight. "Lunch ready eh!"

"Love ruins us, my dear boy," he said, thinking to preach Richard a lesson, and Richard boisterously broke out: "The love of Monsieur Francatelli, It was the ruin of et coetera." Hippias blinked, exclaiming, "Really, my dear boy! I never saw you so excited." "It's the railway! It's the fun, uncle!" "Ah!" Hippias wagged a melancholy head, "you've got the Golden Bride! Keep her if you can.

The traitor, Hippias, died on the return voyage. The patriotic exultation of the Athenians was well warranted. Never did they look back upon that victory without a thrill of joyful pride. It proved what a united free people were capable of achieving. More than that, MARATHON was one of the decisive battles which form turning-points in the world's history.

While he never states, without qualifications and objections, the charges which the earliest and best historians have brought against his favourite tyrants, Pisistratus, Hippias, and Gelon, he transcribes, without any hesitation, the grossest abuse of the least authoritative writers against every democracy and every demagogue.

The place was the same; but Hippias soon learned to his cost how great a change had come over the spirit of the Athenians. But though "the fierce democracy" of Athens was zealous and true against foreign invader and domestic tyrant, a faction existed in Athens, as at Eretria, of men willing to purchase a party triumph over their fellow-citizens at the price of their country's ruin.

"Do nothing," said the devil he nursed; which meant in his case, "Take me into you and don't cast me out." Excellent and sane is the outburst of wrath to men, when it stops short of slaughter. For who that locks it up to eat in solitary, can say that it is consumed? Sir Austin had as weak a digestion for wrath, as poor Hippias for a green duckling. Instead of eating it, it ate him.

By fine degrees Ripton ventured to grow circumstantial, saying that Richard's case was urgent and required immediate medical advice; and that both he and his father were of opinion Richard should not lose an hour in obtaining it. "He's alarmed about himself," said Ripton, and tapped his chest. Hippias protested he had never heard a word from his nephew of any physical affliction.

The Great King questioned them very closely about all they had seen; and his curiosity was so excited by what they told him, that he made up his mind to conquer Greece and add it to his kingdom. He therefore sent for Hippias again, told him that he was ready to help him, and gave orders to collect one of the largest armies that had ever been seen.

Meanwhile, however, Hippias had far outstripped all the rest, and as he flew past the carceres he checked his pace, snatched a cup from a lemonade-seller, tossed the contents down his throat with haughty audacity amid the plaudits of the crowd, and then dashed on again. A wide gap, indeed, still lay between him and Marcus.