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The poor Eskimos were abandoned in a practically penniless condition and no means was provided to return them to their homes. To add to the distress of Pomiuk's mother, Pomiuk fell and injured his hip. Proper surgical treatment was not supplied, the injury, because of this neglect, did not heal, and Pomiuk could no longer run about or walk or even stand upon his feet.

And on the way you asked me if I had hurt myself in falling. I told you "No"; but that was a fib, for my hip was growing weak even then. It's by reason of my hip that I have to lie here. But in those days there was no one else to take the dancing classes, and it would never have done to confess. And and that was all.

Instinctively, while he stared, the right hand of Pierre le Rouge crept toward his hip. "Keep your hand steady," said the boy. "I got a nervous trigger-finger. Yeh, dad is pretty well known." "You're his son?" "I'm Jack Boone." "But I've heard tell me, why am I under guard?" Jack was instantly aflame with the old anger. "Not because I want you here." "Who does?" "Dad."

Another, although so excessively cheerful that I suspect she was not "all there" was also confined to a long chair, with a hip affection of some sort, but she was much petted, and surrounded by all the little luxuries that the victims of her smile had remembered to send her.

The rumour ran that in his hip pocket he was carrying a revolver wherewith to protect the modesty of his neck. The celebrated artistes, having perceived the folly of losing six or seven hundred pounds a day because Priam happened to be an obstinate idiot, continued with the case. For Mr.

I'll confess that some of us are no great things: but I know how to draw a sword, don't I? say I don't just to provoke me. 'I am sure you do, said Anne sweetly. 'If a Frenchman came up to you, Mr. Derriman, would you take him on the hip, or on the thigh? 'Now you are flattering! he said, his white teeth uncovering themselves in a smile.

And that was all Jack could get him to say on the subject. But the boy was very proud of his "gun," and a little curious as to just why his uncle had given it to him, so that night, when they were alone a moment, he said: "Larry, that shooter is bully! It's great to have it. I'd rather have it at my hip than be in a position sometime to wish I had it."

He mounted the gangway without a further glance at Leyden, leaving that gentleman staring up after him with tight lips drawn back from grinning teeth and a quivering of the arm which was bent back to the hip pocket. "Don't try it!" warned Rolfe, edging aside as Barry passed him. "Shove orf, me son," added Bill Blunt and squinted along his belaying pin straight at Leyden.

I had for calasero, a tall, long-legged Andalusian, in short jacket, little round-crowned hat, breeches decorated with buttons from the hip to the knees, and a pair of russet leather bottinas or spatterdashes.

During the short time we had been engaged, upwards of sixty had been struck down who, not an hour before, full of health and spirits, had attempted to reply to our cheer. Among them, on one side of the quarter-deck, lay the gallant Captain Mullon, surrounded by a mass of gore, for a round shot had torn open his back and carried away the greater part of his left hip.