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Meanwhile he was in daily communication with Dorothy Parkman, and the two spent hours together, thrashing out the different problems one by one as they arose, sometimes at her home, more frequently at his; for "home" to Dorothy in Hinsdale meant the Sanborn house, where Mazie was always in evidence and Daniel Burton did not care for Mazie.

The spot selected for the mission house, was on the summit of a hill, near the centre of the village. Soon after the arrival of Mr. Hinsdale, the papal bishop of Elkosh and an Italian priest found their way to Asheta. They stated to the Patriarch, that many boxes of presents were on their way from Diarbekir, and requested permission to remain till they arrived.

Again the judges exchanged amused glances, and Dr. Hinsdale cleared his throat. "Well, Miss Wales," he said, "you've made your point, I think. You've found the legitimate purpose for a legitimate and distinctly feminine kind of hazing. And now, if Miss Ferris will excuse me, I have an engagement at my rooms."

From this account it seems that Charles Collins told Cobbett that Paine had recanted. Cobbett called for the testimony, and told Mr. Collins that he must give time, place, and circumstances. He finally brought a statement that he stated had been made by Mary Hinsdale.

Then came the days when there were only Keith's letters and an occasional short note from the doctor to break the long months of waiting. In the Burton homestead at Hinsdale, living was reduced to the simplest formula possible. On the whole, there was perhaps a little more money. Dunning tradesmen were not so numerous.

Hinsdale beamed on them all and brought them salad and ices. "You mustn't talk about it, you know," Mary explained, "because it won't be announced until next week, and you mustn't think of running off and leaving us out here alone." "All right," Katherine promised her. "We'll be the mossy bank for your modest violet act.

If this ordeal was passed satisfactorily and an acceptable thesis presented, the candidate received his LL.B. Professor Hinsdale in his "History," in speaking of these earlier years, said: "A feebler organization and a looser administration could hardly have held the School together.

"Well, anyhow, they done me lots of good, them verses did, an' I hope they will you." In June Dorothy Parkman was graduated from the Hinsdale Academy. Both Mr. Burton and Susan attended the exercises, though not together. Then Susan sat down and wrote a glowing account of the affair to Keith, dilating upon the fine showing that "your Miss Stewart" made.

And so in the month of October, in the year of grace 1818, in the mist of fog and forgetfulness, disappeared forever one Mary Hinsdale, the last and only witness against the intellectual honesty of Thomas Paine. A letter was written to the editor of The New York World by the Rev.

"Well yes. You can't get those things here in Hinsdale, you know; and it takes money, to get away, and to live away after you get there." A sudden light transfigured David's face. "Mr. Jack, would gold do it? lots of little round gold-pieces?" "I think it would, David, if there were enough of them." "Many as a hundred?" "Sure if they were big enough.