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"I fancy," said Ratcliffe, with one of his familiar sneers, "the lassie thinks that naebody has een but hersell Didna I see when Gentle Geordie was seeking to get other folk out of the Tolbooth forby Jock Porteous? but ye are of my mind, hinny better sit and rue, than flit and rue ye needna look in my face sae amazed. I ken mair things than that, maybe."

That very evening they heard something tap tapping at the door low down, and a voice cried out: "Open the door, my hinny, my heart, Open the door, my own darling; Mind you the words that you and I spoke, Down in the meadow, at the World's End Well." "Whatever can that be?" cried out the stepmother, and the girl had to tell her all about it, and what she had promised the frog.

I aye tell my daughter thae things when she grows wearied for a letter frae Lieutenant Taffril It's aye an apology for him. Ye sudna blame him, says I, hinny, for ye little ken what may hae happened." "Ay, ay, Caxon, thou art as good a comforter as a valet-de-chambre. Give me a white stock, man, dye think I can go down with a handkerchief about my neck when I have company?"

"Troth did I, hinny," replied the good-natured lady, "just at the instant; it's sae natural to think on ane's blude relations before themsells; But there's young Earnscliff." "He has ower little o' his ain; and siccan a name to keep up, it wad be a shame," said Hobbie, "to burden him wi' our distress.

I fearna for his life I ken how strong-hearted he is I ken it," she said, laying her hand on her bosom, "by my ain heart at this minute." "Weel, hinny, if ye think it's for the best, better he stay here and rest him, than gang back to St. Leonard's." "Muckle better muckle better God bless you! God bless you! At no rate let him gang till ye hear frae me," said Jeanie.

'Od, Captain, this is a queer place! they winna let ye out in the day, and they winna let ye sleep in the night. Deil, but it wad break my heart in a fortnight. But, Lordsake, what a racket they're making now! Od, I wish we had some light. Wasp, Wasp, whisht, hinny; whisht, my bonnie man, and let's hear what they're doing. Deil's in ye, will ye whisht?

"Eh, eh, hinny, I ken all about it," she whispered, lapsing into broader Scotch in her agitation. "Ye can't hide things from your Auntie Elspie. Ye're wearyin' to be away to the war, I ken as well as if ye telled me." There was a wail in her voice that wrung Gavin's heart. "Oh, Auntie Elspie," he cried, "oh, no, no! I'll never leave you. I'll not be going. I'm not wearying.

With all my wisdom and knowledge, I could not have saved you had not a merciful providence raised up this picture of 'the fair havens, like as is mentioned in the holy scriptures, and I bid ye welcome with my auld heart singing for joy. Never mind your bit knock my hinny.

Protocol, and I'll be adding something till't, till she'll maybe get a Liddesdale joe that wants something to help to buy the hirsel. What d'ye say to that, hinny? Rebecca comes wi' you, hinny, and stays a month or twa while ye're stranger like. While Mrs.

So at last she lifted the frog up on to her lap, and it lay there for a time, till at last it said: "Give me some supper, my hinny, my heart, Give me some supper, my darling; Remember the words you and I spake, In the meadow, by the Well of the World's End." Well, she didn't mind doing that, so she got it a bowl of milk and bread, and fed it well.