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Lennard shook hands with Mr Hingeston and Hiram, and was going to say very complimentary things about the fleet which had literally dropped from the clouds, when Mr Parmenter interrupted him again and said: "You'll excuse me, Mr Lennard, but you'll be better able to talk about these ships when you've had a trip in one of them.

Newson Hingeston registered the bond with all gravity, and deposited it at his bank, and then their life-ways parted.

"Oh, that goes without saying, of course," replied the Duke, "and now, gentlemen, I understand from the King's telegram that there are one or two matters you want to talk over with us. Will you come inside?" "If your Royal Highness will excuse me," said Admiral Hingeston, "I think I'd better remain on board.

"There's one good thing about airships," said Mr Hingeston, as he took a quarter turn at the wheel, "you can generally get the sort of climate and temperature you want in them." He put his finger on a fourth button and continued: "Now, Mr Lennard, we have so far just pulled her up above the mist.

"I am an American citizen, but I have nothing but British blood in my veins, and therefore I am all the more glad that I am able to bring help to the Motherland when she wants it." "And I'm afraid we do want it, Mr Hingeston," said His Majesty. "Make the conditions of warfare equal in the air, and I think we shall be able to hold our own on land and sea.

He has created this navy, so I reckon he has got the best claim to be called admiral." "Does that meet with your approval, my lords?" said the King. And the heads of the Privy Council bowed as one in approval. "I thank your Majesty most sincerely," said Hingeston, rising.

It is unfortunate that I can only confer the honorary rank of admiral upon Mr Hingeston, as you are not British subjects." "Then, your Majesty," replied Mr Parmenter, "if it pleases you, I hope you will give that rank to my friend Newson Hingeston, who, as I have told you, has been more than twenty years making these ships perfect.

The syndicate will commence at once with a capital of fifty millions, and there'll be fifty more behind that if wanted." "It's a great scheme," Hingeston replied slowly, "but I'm afraid the time's too short." "Time!" exclaimed Mr Parmenter. "Who in thunder thinks about time when dollars begin to talk?

As he spoke, Lennard saw what seemed to him like an illimitable sea of huge spumy billows and tumbling masses of foam, which seemed to roll and break over each other without sound. The silent cloud-ocean was flowing up from the sou'west. Mr Hingeston took his bearings by compass, slowed down to fifty miles an hour, and then Lennard saw the masses of cloud rise up and envelop them.

"All aboard, sir," replied Hiram Roker, "and now I reckon you'll have to excuse me, because I've got to go below just to see that everything's in working order." "That's all right, Mr Roker. I know where your affections are centred in this ship. You go right along to your engines, and Mr Hingeston will see about the rest of us.