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Neither Hillyer nor Lagow proved to have any particular taste or special qualifications for the duties of the soldier, and the former resigned during the Vicksburg campaign; the latter I relieved after the battle of Chattanooga.

Seth was oiling a pair of boots on the veranda, while Claire talked to him about Hillyer, who had pleased her immeasurably by his devotion to Marion, and even more, of course, by his generous compliments to herself.

Constable Harris provided him with a couple of days' rations, instructed him to keep a good guard over himself, and promised to look in on him as soon as further supplies should be due. Next morning a score of us went with Hillyer, out of friendship, and helped him bury his late relative, the unlamented Buckner, and I acted as first assistant pall-bearer, Hillyer acting as chief.

As we were starting, this morning, Hillyer whispered to me: "Keep this news from Walker until you think it safe and not likely to disturb his mind and check his improvement: the ancient crime he spoke of was really committed and by his cousin, as he said. We buried the real criminal the other day the unhappiest man that has lived in a century Flint Buckner. His real name was Jacob Fuller!"

Neither Hillyer nor Lagow proved to have any particular taste or special qualifications for the duties of the soldier, and the former resigned during the Vicksburg campaign; the latter I relieved after the battle of Chattanooga.

Schulyer Germain was to get as high as the aristocracy of this world reached; not that she lived in any grander style than the Erskines, or showed that she had more money, but every one knew that her bank accounts were very heavy, and, besides, she was the daughter of Gen. Wadsworth Hillyer, of Washington, and the great-granddaughter, by direct descent, of one of England's noblemen.

"He was rude to you!" he cried. "I'll make him " She put her hand quickly on his arm. "No. He was very gentle and kind." "What did he say?" Hillyer demanded, almost imperatively. "He said that he couldn't leave the ranch just now, so I'd better go back to New York at once." "He did, did he?" cried Hillyer angrily, his chivalry for the moment dominant.

When appointed brigadier-general I at once thought it proper that one of my aides should come from the regiment I had been commanding, and so selected Lieutenant C. B. Lagow. While living in St. Louis, I had had a desk in the law office of McClellan, Moody and Hillyer.

"Then we'll sit on the veranda a few minutes," said Marion. "Not long, though. I'm dreadfully sleepy." It was not long. They found they had little to say to each other, since the one subject of which both were thinking, each from a different point of view, was tacitly barred. And Hillyer soon saw that Marion was sorely in need of rest. "Go to bed now, dear girl!" he said presently.

"He wotteth well that Hillyer hath none who can burnish plate armour like Tibble here." "Moreover the last iron we had from that knave Mepham is nought. It works short under the hammer." "That shall be seen to, Kit. The rest of the budget to-morrow. I must on to my mother."