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"'James Oliver, Chief Officer. "'Jos. Atkins, Second Officer. "'Felix Latour, Steward. "'Tom Cleaver, Fireman." The trader held out his hand, "Thank you, Oliver. But I'm afraid that the firm of Hillingdon and McFreeland will be glad to get rid of a man like me. I'm not the sort of trader they want. I took service with them under the impression that they were straight people.

Hillingdon & McFreeland, "'Sydney." "What do you think of that, Carr?" "It doesn't astonish me, Oliver, for Chard, with all his seeming bonhomie, is as big a black-guard as Hendry.

His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has graciously consented to become vice-patron. "I may state that a general council of the leading men of the country is in course of formation. Lord Hillingdon has kindly consented to accept the post of hon. treasurer. The Hon.

They are not they are simply unmitigated sweeps. Hillingdon, with his solemn, stone-jug-like face, I know to be a most infernal rogue. He fakes the firm's accounts to the detriment of the London people who are paying the piper, and who are really the firm. As for Sam Chard and this measly, sneaking, Danish skipper, they are merely minor thieves. But I didn't do so badly with them, did I, Oliver?"

Atkins, ye'll tak' guid care to remember that there is a hundred and sixty-three pounds due to me frae Hillingdon and MacFreeland, and that if ye do not care to take it yoursel', it must go to auld John Cameron, the sailors' parson in Sydney. Ye hae ony amount of witnesses to hear what I'm now telling ye. I'm no for being long wi' ye, and I dinna want yoursel' nor auld Jock Cameron to be robbed."

I have decided not to take another station from the firm of Hillingdon and McFreeland. I have had enough of them and enough of you." Chard took a threatening step towards him. "Stand back, Mr. Chard. I am not a man to be threatened." Something in his eyes warned the supercargo, whose temper, however, was rapidly taking possession of him. "Very well, Mr.

"I've a aunt there she's cook to a J.P. could identify me." "Don't worry her for a little thing like that," said Pyecroft; and ere he had ceased to praise family love, our unpaid judiciary, and domestic service, the Downs rose between us and the sea, and the Long Man of Hillingdon lay out upon the turf.

At the beginning of the 'sixties of the eighteenth century 1761 died the father of Harlequins in England, and also as he has been called of English Pantomimes, and there is, I believe, a costly tomb erected to his memory in Hillingdon Church-yard, Middlesex.

And there is a certain amount of truth in his letter I did say that the firm of Hillingdon and McFreeland were guilty of shady and illegal practices, and that the High Commissioner in Fiji would bring them up with a round turn some day. But, as you know, all the rest is false downright lies." The mate slapped him on the shoulder. "Lies! Of course they are!

"And what will you do with this fellow Carr?" "Chuck him ashore at the Mortlocks," replied Chard with an oath; "we'll be there in a couple of days, and I'll kick him over the side if he turns rusty. Hillingdon doesn't like him, so we are quite safe." "When is the love-making to come off?" asked Hendry, with a fiend-like grin. "As soon as we are clear of Carr or sooner; to-night maybe.