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Not that he minds! What a way it is! But how are you, Hilda?" Hilda was so touched by Janet's affectionate solicitude that her eyes filled with tears. She looked at that radiating and innocent goodness, and thought: "How different I am from her! She hasn't the least idea how different I am!" For a moment, Janet seemed to her to be a sort of angel modish, but exquisitely genuine.

"We'll see about that!" he said, taking a step towards Hilda, with an evil look in his red eyes. "I'll settle a little account with you fust, my fine lady. I'll teach you to come spyin' round on me this way. Ye ain't give me a civil word sence ye come here, an' I'll pay ye " With a howl of terror the wretch staggered back, putting up his hands to ward off the expected shot.

Hilda, the elder, was seventeen, a year older than the lad, while Ella was two years his junior. "Well, Godfrey," his father said, as, after the first greeting, they sat down to dinner, which had been kept back for half an hour for his arrival, "you did not seem very enthusiastic in your reply to my letter." "I did not feel very enthusiastic, father," Godfrey replied.

Can it be that she knew my mother, whose name was Hilda, and that she takes me for her? Miss Drechsler says I am strikingly like the picture I have of her. Perhaps she can tell me where my mother lived, and if any of her relations are still alive;" and bending over the bed, she said in a low tone, "Who was Hilda, and where did she live? Perhaps she was my mother, but she is dead."

Hilda occasionally heard from her father and sister, but not very frequently, and their letters contained little more than an outline of their progress, the names of the places they had visited, and the length of their stay at each.

"Leave the house at ten sharp, and walk toward the town; I'll be watching for you. You'll come?" "Yes, sir." Near the Fultons, fronting on the street, is a large overgrown yard that has never been built on. Here in the shadow of a great cedar tree I waited and watched for Hilda. On the stroke of ten I saw her coming.

"I find the atmosphere about you, dear, a trifle exhausted." Alicia with a face of astonishment made a half movement towards the window before she understood. There was some timidity in her glance at Hilda and in her mechanical smile. "Oh," she said, "I see what you mean; and I don't wonder. I am so literal I have so little imagination."

A court officer came to the door and called: "Hilda Brauner!" Hilda rose. She seemed unconcerned, so calm was she. Her nerves had reached the point at which nerves refuse to writhe, or even to record sensations of pain.

Instead of making a direct reply to Hilda's remark, he said, after a pause: "Hilda, I have my doubts of the old man Christian; men say he is a warlock, and I partly believe them, for it is only such who shun the company of their fellows. I would caution thee against him. "The old man is misjudged, believe me," replied the girl earnestly; "I have spoken much with him and oft.

Such was the day Hilda had selected for paying a visit to the corvette. At an early hour the state barge of Lunnasting was in attendance at the landing-place, manned by a sturdy crew of eight of her tenants, whilst Lawrence claimed the privilege of acting as coxswain a post for which, from his practical knowledge of seamanship, he was perfectly well fitted.