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Hilarius started back, afraid at the strange address; but the friar laid one lean hand on his arm, and, letting the staff slip back against his shoulder, felt Hilarius' face, not with the light and practised touch of the blind, but slowly and carefully, frowning the while. "Son, thou wilt come with me?" "Nay, good Father, I may not; I am for St Alban's." "Whence, my son?"

The name of peace is a sweet and pleasant thing, saith Hilarius; but yet beware, saith he, "peace is one thing, and bondage is another."

Hilarius of Poitiers, the most eminent of the Gallic bishops of this period, wrote controversial and expository works in the florid involved style of the neo-Ciceronian orators, which had in their day a high reputation. As the first known author of Latin hymns, he is the precursor of Ambrose and Prudentius.

Hormisdas, after maturely considering the whole state of things, sent a legation of five persons to the emperor at Constantinople the bishops Ennodius of Pavia, Fortunatus of Catania, the priest Venantius, the deacon Vitalis, and the notary Hilarius with the most detailed instructions how to act. The intent was to test the emperor's sincerity a foresight which after events completely justified.

'Twas good advice I gave, well meant but ill received, so here I dwell to learn the wisdom of fools and the foolishness of wisdom." "Does the Abbat know what evil men these are that seek the shelter of Holy Church?" asked Hilarius, perplexed. "Most surely he knows; but what would'st thou have? It hath ever been the part of the Church to embrace sinners with open arms lest they repent.

The women were found Wednesday se'n-night by the herd as he went folding. They lay on the floor in their blood." Hilarius turned sick. In Westminster, by some miracle, he had been spared the sight of violent death ay, or of death in any form and had seen nothing worse than a rogue in the stocks, for which sight he had thanked Heaven piously.

Hilarius listened, scarlet with indignation, a flood of wrathful defence pent at his lips, for the blind friar laid a restraining hand on his sleeve. Mine host scratched his head doubtfully. The teaching was seditious, and made a man liable to stocks and pillory; but it tickled the ears of the common folk and 'twas ill to quarrel with the Mendicants.

Then one cried 'twas the Plague, and the wrath of God; and they fled the women to the nuns at Bungay, and the men to seek work or shelter on the Manor; but us they left, for I was with child." "And thy husband? said Hilarius. "Nay, he was not my husband, but these are his children, his and mine. Some hold 'tis a sin to live thus, and perhaps because of it this evil hath fallen upon me."

It was four o'clock on a warm day in September; the courtyard was deserted save for a few busied serving men, and the knight and his household, were at a tilting in the Outer Bailey, all but the Lady Eleanor, Hilarius' mistress, for, as Martin had foreseen, Sir John had so appointed it.

Cheeks like a sunburnt peach, lips, a scarlet bow; shimmering, tender, laughing grey eyes curtained by long curling lashes; soft tendrils of curly hair, blue black in the shadows, hiding the low level brow. A sight for gods, but not for monks; above all, not for untutored novices such as Hilarius.