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It is plain to see that there was a deep deft between two of the toes." "There are two ways of telling that legend," remarked the Doctor. "But did you find nothing in the grave, Hewen?" "O, yes, a bone or two, as much as could be expected after above a hundred years," said the grave-digger. "I tossed them aside; and if you are curious about them, you will find them when the snow melts.

Such and the like blasphemies against God they ceased not openly to utter. Let whoever is disposed to think us too hard on Captain Bethune compare them: 'For Wetharrington my harte was wo, That even he slayne sholde be; For when both his leggis were hewen in to, He knyled and fought on his knee. Even Percy, who, on the whole, thinks well of the modern ballad, gives up this stanza as hopeless.

Men hewen the trees with an hatchet, alle aboute the fote of the tree, tille that the bark be parted in many parties; and than comethe out ther of a thikke lykour, the whiche thei resceyven in vesselles, and dryen it at the hete of the sonne; and than thei han it to a mylle to grynde; and it becomethe faire mele and white.

Finallie, this prince king Edmund, after he had reigned sixe yeares and a halfe, he came to his end by great misfortune. Dun. Will. Malm. Matth. The theefe was hewen in péeces by the kings seruants, but yet he slue and hurt diuers before they could dispatch him.

Both striken strike, and beaten both do beat That from their shields forth flyeth fiery light, And helmets hewen deep, show marks of either's might." At last a charmed cloud hid the Saracen from the Knight's sight. So the fight ended, and the Knight, sorely wounded, was "laid in sumptuous bed, where many skilful leeches him abide."