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After a brief consultation between the commanders of the two brigades I was ordered to ride back quickly to Heth's headquarters, report the condition of affairs, and bring back his instructions. With a brusque manner, he said, "Tell General Pettigrew not to butt too hard, or he'll butt his brains out."

Mahone's " Brig.-Gen. MAJ.-GEN. C. M. WILCOX'S Division. Brig.-Gen. MAJ.-GEN. H. HETH'S Division. J. R. Davis's Brigade. " John R. Cooke's " " D. McRae's " " J. J. Archer's " " H. H. Walker's " unattached: 5th Alabama Battalion. MAJ.-GEN. FITZHUGH LEE'S Division Brig.-Gen. W. C. Wickham's Brigade " L. L. Lomax's " MAJ.-GEN. M. C. BUTLER'S Division. Brig.-Gen. John Dunovant's Brigade.

Yet some of them were quite pretty, beneath dust and fatigue; one, with a quantity of crinkly auburn hair, was very pretty, indeed. The girl Corinne, after three years here, was both pretty and possessed of a certain delicacy; a delicacy which forbade her to tell Mr. Heth's daughter what she really thought about the Works. For that must have been it....

Next day, half an hour after luncheon, Hugo said to the greatest admirer he had on earth: "Where did Carlisle get the notion that she wanted to go in for Settlement work?" Mrs. Heth's reply, delivered with a beam, was masterly in its way. "Why, my dear Hugo! Don't you know the sorry little makeshifts women go to, waiting for love to come to them?"

Destiny, having had its way with their absence, was returning them upon the dot. In the sitting-room, talk of such matters as Miss Heth's wild sweetness necessarily came to a sudden conclusion. The big man lounged with folded arms. His look was slightly annoyed. "One more beginning, and you have your way again, after all! This becomes a habit," said he, with his faint ironic note.

Canning tapped a well-shod foot with his walking-stick, and wished for his love. The wish grew by what it fed on, and the banquet ran long. Half an hour passed before the door from Mrs. Heth's bedroom opened and Carlisle appeared. However, she looked worth waiting for.

Yet we do know also of cases everywhere which make familiar principles not merely out of place, but fairly grotesque. You are hardly to conceive Miss Heth's pretty tableau as staged for, her prospecting journey to the Beach as concerned with, some ordinary male, of whom one could expect that he would pursue even extraordinary maids in an ordinary way....

V.V., slowly, and one could see that he didn't altogether like the idea of anybody's criticizing Mr. Heth's conduct of his business. "But ah really I don't " "Couldn't we fix it, in some simple way brace up the floor somehow?" "Oh, yes. You'd have no trouble in fixing it.... Far as that goes." "Don't you think you could manage to say we once?" "Oh!" said Mr. V.V., pleased.

We are now up and have a continuous line of troops, and in a few hours will be intrenched from the Appomattox below Petersburg to the river above. Heth's and Wilcox's divisions, such part of them as were not captured, were cut off from town, either designedly on their part or because they could not help it. Sheridan with the cavalry and 5th corps is above them.

But was not this the perfect symbol of that preying of the fortunate upon the unfortunate, of that crushing inequality of inheritance, which reacted so deadeningly upward and downward, and more than anything else hobbled the feet of Man? By one flagrant instance, by Kern at Heth's, all the pitiful wrong-headedness was made plain.