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'Fancy leaving the wife! And the odd part of it was," says Hescott, lifting his eyes and looking deliberately at Rylton, "that his wife was an angel, whereas he well, she was the Job of his life. She had to endure all things at his hands." Rylton looks back at him, and feels his brow grow black with rage. He would have liked to take him and choke the life out of him.

Her face is still livid, and as she speaks she throws back her head and laughs aloud such a cruel, hateful laugh! "Well, I know it I lied. I lied then most abominably." "Then?" "That night on the balcony I confess it. I know Minnie Hescott told you." Rylton's mind goes quickly back. "That night," says he slowly, as if thinking, as if concentrating his thoughts, "the night you led me to where "

And once more the fun is at its height. Hescott, as compared with Randal Gower, is not even in it in this game. The latter simulates the swallow, and even outdoes that wily bird in his swift dartings to and fro.

There is a horror in her mind the horror of hearing again that he he had loved Marian. But how to stop it? "You seem to admire honesty," says Lady Rylton, with a sneering laugh. "It is a pity you do not emulate his! If Maurice is as true to you as you" with a slight laugh "imagine him, why, you should, in common generosity, be true to him. And this flirtation, with this Mr. Hescott "

Hescott raises his right hand, pretends to feel blindly in the air for a moment, then his hand falls on Tita's sunny little head. It wanders on her short curls it is a very slow wandering. Mrs. Bethune looks up at Rylton, who is standing beside her. "Do you still doubt?" asks she, in a low whisper. "Doubt! I am a past master at it," says he bitterly. "I should be! You taught me!"

Margaret is standing in a distant window, talking in an undertone to Colonel Neilson, and Gower is now teasing Minnie Hescott, when once again the door is thrown open and Sir Maurice comes in. "Another surprise packet!" says Gower faintly. "Miss Hescott, you know everything. Are there more to come? I'm not strong; my heart is in a bad state. Pray, pray give me a gentle word of warning if "

He cannot stay here any longer. He must go back into the house. It will be madness to absent himself. And, after all, is not the whole thing madness? What is this girl to him? A mere name; nothing more. He mounts the steps leading to the conservatory, and, meeting Minnie Hescott, asks her to dance. "This is only a supper dance," says she. "I'm engaged for all the rest.

When people laugh seldom, one always knows their laugh. Before Tom Hescott turns the corner Rylton knows it is his. But his companion! "Why, there you are, Rylton!" says Colonel Neilson at the top of his voice. "By Jove! well met! We've been disputing about a point in the tenant right down here, and you can set us straight!"

As she draws closer to him, he fixes his eyes upon her as if to compel a glance from her in return; but Tita, who is accompanied by Minnie Hescott, does not so much as once let her gaze wander in his direction. She comes nearer ever nearer, laughing and talking gaily, and passes him, still without recognition of any sort. As her skirt sweeps against him, he speaks. "Are you going out, Tita?"

All her guests were in the garden, so she would not return to the house that way, though it was much the nearest; but turning into a side path she made for a point in the shrubberies, from which one could get to the armoury door without being seen by anyone. She is wrong in her calculations, however, for just as she steps into the shrubbery walk, she finds herself face to face with Tom Hescott.