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I was particularly surprised because I knew that, upon the departure of the British Consul-General, Sir Cecil Hertslet, some days before, the enormous British interests in Antwerp had been confided to American protection. The concierge, who knew me and seemed decidedly relieved to see me, made no objection to opening the consulate and letting me in.

So S. Lane-Poole, writing from Church's papers, English Historical Review, v., 519. Hertslet, Map of Europe by Treaty, p. 142. Wellington, Despatches, etc., vi., 184. See the letters in the Annual Register, lxxii. , 389-401. The year that elapsed between the prorogation of parliament on June 24, 1829, and the death of George IV., on June 26, 1830, was barren in events of domestic importance.

Hertslet of the Foreign Office, his wife and his daughter, were neighbours, and proved kind friends; in 1867 the Howitts came to Claygate and sought the society of "the two bright, clever young people"; and in a house close by Mr. Frederick Ricketts came to live with his family. Mr.

Hertslet of the Foreign Office, his wife and his daughter, were neighbours and proved kind friends; in 1867 the Howitts came to Claygate and sought the society of 'the two bright, clever young people'; and in a house close by, Mr. Frederick Ricketts came to live with his family. Mr.