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"Lady Mary knows nothing of the matter," said the squire, rather peevishly. "You have not prepared her?" "No; and I particularly desire she and my sisters should hear nothing of it. If this is to be my last evening on earth, I should not wish it to be clouded by tears and lamentations, which might make it difficult for me to maintain my own self-command. Herslett said I was not to be agitated.

"And here," said Sir Timothy; "Dr. Herslett objected, but I insisted. I won't be ill in a strange house. I shall recover far more rapidly if I am to recover among my people, in my native air. London stifles me. I dislike crowds and noise. I hate novelty. If I am to die, I will die at home." "Herslett himself performs the operation, of course?" "Yes.

Blundell," said Sir Timothy, pompously, "when I took the very unusual step of leaving home the day before yesterday, I had resolved to follow the advice you gave me. I went to fulfil an appointment I had made with a specialist." "With Sir James Power?" "No, with a man named Herslett. You may have heard of him." "Heard of him!" ejaculated Blundell. "Why, he's world-famous! A new man.

"He has been silently combating a mortal disease for many months past," said John, "and to-morrow morning the issue is to be decided. Every day, every hour of delay, increases the danger. The great surgeon, Dr. Herslett, will be here at eleven o'clock, and on the success of the operation he will perform, hangs the thread of your husband's life."