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The Herodian tetrarchs of Chalcis, to whom the Romans granted the power of appointing the high priests, true to the tradition of their house, appointed only such as were confirmed Romanizers, and the most unscrupulous at that.

As a rule, the only way in which foreigners could come peacefully into China or the countries which she intellectually dominated was as vassals, tribute-bearers, or "barbarians." The mental attitude of China, Korea, Annam and Japan has for ages been that of the Jews in Herodian times, who set up, between the Court of Israel and the Court of the Gentiles, their graven stones of warning which read:

"Say no more to her until until I have thought of it." And Appius observed, as he went away with his friend: "You will be a statesman, my dear Vergilius; you gave him just the right dose of religion, flattery, and silver." "I must succeed or I shall have no heart to live," said the other, soberly. That evening Vergilius went to feast with the young Herodian prince, Antipater of Judea.

The Herodians do not appear outside the New Testament, and seem to have been hardly more than a group of men in whom the secular spirit was dominant, who thought it best for their interests and for the people's to champion the claims of the Herodian family.

This happened in the twelfth year of the reign of Nero. III. Judea in Rebellion Against Rome Nero was at this time in Achaia. To him, as ambassador, Cestius, sent in order to lay the blame on Florus, Costobar and Saul, two brothers of the Herodian family, who, with Philip, the son of Jacimus, the general of Agrippa, had escaped from Jerusalem.

Herodian, who has written very agreeably on the subject, describes him as another Prince Charming.

The story is narrated by Herodian, and the circumstances are these: A slave of noble qualities, and of magnificent person, having liberated himself from the degradations of bondage, determined to avenge his own wrongs by inflicting continual terror upon the town and neighborhood which had witnessed his humiliation.

The next morning William was long closeted alone with Lanfranc, that man, among the most remarkable of his age, of whom it was said, that "to comprehend the extent of his talents, one must be Herodian in grammar, Aristotle in dialectics, Cicero in rhetoric, Augustine and Jerome in Scriptural lore," and ere the noon the Duke's gallant and princely train were ordered to be in readiness for return home.

The sentiments of a true lover of an Isle cannot without sacrilege be shared. The love is an exclusive passion, not of Herodian fierceness, misgiving, and gloom, but of joyful jealousy, for it must be well-nigh impossible to every one else. Such is this delicious Isle this unkempt, unrestrained garden where the centuries gaze upon perpetual summer.

Caenis, the concubine of Vespasian, amassed great wealth and sold public offices right and left Dio, 65, 14. Plotina, wife of Trajan, engineered Hadrian's succession Eutropius, viii, 6. Dio, 69, I. A concubine formed the conspiracy which overthrew Commodus Herodian, i, 16-17. The plotting of Maesa put Heliogabalus on the throne Capitolinus, Macrinus, 9-10.