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"Heretici fraxerunt templa, boni nihili faxerunt contra, ergo debent omnes patibulare," was the comprehensive but barbarous formula of a man who murdered the Latin language as ruthlessly as he slaughtered his contemporaries. Among the ciphers who composed the rest of the board, the Flemish Councillor Hessels was the one whom the Duke most respected.

"Heretici fraxerunt templa, boni nihili faxerunt contra, ergo debent omnes patibulare," was the comprehensive but barbarous formula of a man who murdered the Latin language as ruthlessly as he slaughtered his contemporaries. Among the ciphers who composed the rest of the board, the Flemish Councillor Hessels was the one whom the Duke most respected.

"Heretici fraxerunt templa, boni nihili faxerunt contra, ergo debent omnes patibulare," was the comprehensive but barbarous formula of a man who murdered the Latin language as ruthlessly as he slaughtered his contemporaries. Among the ciphers who composed the rest of the board, the Flemish Councillor Hessels was the one whom the Duke most respected.

"Heretici fraxerunt templa, boni nihili faxerunt contra, ergo debent omnes patibulare," was the comprehensive but barbarous formula of a man who murdered the Latin language as ruthlessly as he slaughtered his contemporaries. Among the ciphers who composed the rest of the board, the Flemish Councillor Hessels was the one whom the Duke most respected.