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In regard to Adonis, his connexion with the boar was not always explained by the story that he had been killed by the animal. According to another story, a boar rent with his tusk the bark of the tree in which the infant Adonis was born. According to yet another story, he perished at the hands of Hephaestus on Mount Lebanon while he was hunting wild boars.

Hephaestus, too, especially when associated with Athena, is the patron and teacher of all handicrafts, himself the ideal artisan, practical and genial, but with none of his godhead lost in a too human individuality; even his lameness characteristic of the smith in all folk-lore is lightly indicated, not dwelt on as an interesting motive.

We have been for five years inseparable companions!" I had no sympathy to fling away on him at that moment. "How do you account for his spring at Madame to-night? That's all I want to know." "She must have been thinking of something else when she grabbed him. For she missed her grip. Then he fell and was frightened, and she must have lost her nerve. Hephaestus knew it, and sprang.

The papers ran in The Art Journal from January to July, 1865, and from January to April. 1866, under the title of "The Cestus of Aglaia," by which was meant the Girdle, or restraining law, of Beauty, as personified in the wife of Hephaestus, "the Lord of Labour."

She loosed the virgin zone. It follows that she defiled it. From the consequent the precedent, as when instead of saying "to kill" he says "to disarm," that is, to spoil. But the young men proceed to grind Demeter, for he means the crop of grain named from its inventor, Demeter. They held the transfixed entrails over Hephaestus. By the name Hephaestus he signifies fire.

Hephaestus had never before tried to attack her. She had absolute mastery over him, and he usually behaved with her as gently as any of the other cats. With himself it was quite different. He was accustomed to Hephaestus springing at him; but then he beat him hard with a great stick until he was so sore that he could neither stand up nor lie down.

May I esteem the wise alone wealthy, and may I have such abundance of wealth as none but the temperate can carry. He paused a moment. 'Ah, when I came hither I hoped to find Pan undisturbed. Well, well, after all, Hephaestus was one of the gods. 'How I envy you your quiet mind! said Hubert. 'Quiet? Nay, not always so. Just now I am far from at peace. What brings you hither to-day?

Sing, shrill Muse, of Hephaestus renowned in craft, who with grey-eyed Athene taught goodly works to men on earth, even to men that before were wont to dwell in mountain caves like beasts; but now, being instructed in craft by the renowned craftsman Hephaestus, lightly the whole year through they dwell happily in their own homes. Be gracious, Hephaestus, and grant me valour and fortune.

The side of the hill was inhabited by craftsmen and husbandmen; and the warriors dwelt by themselves on the summit, around the temples of Hephaestus and Athene, in an enclosure which was like the garden of a single house. In winter they retired into houses on the north of the hill, in which they held their syssitia.

The element of water, Poseidon, was also introduced into this assemblage of the personified powers of nature, and peculiarly connected with the goddess of the earth; fire, Hephaestus, was represented as a powerful principle derived from heaven, having dominion over the earth, and closely allied with the goddess who sprang from the head of the supreme god.