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And what things have been said by my son! MY son! against the Holy Father! Ah, mon Dieu! The wickedness of it! The horror! And if thou learnest such blasphemy from newspapers, Henri, thou shalt not read them " "Who is to prevent me?" demanded Henri, his eyes sparkling defiantly.

I watched the audience on this occasion; they listened politely, a little astonished and bored, as if to say, "What business has this Frenchman with depth and piety of soul?" "There is no doubt," said Henri Lichtenberger, who sat by me at the concert, "our music is beginning to bore the Germans." It was only the other day that German music enjoyed the privilege of boring us in France.

People who have thought it bad enough that I should have gone to Paris, instead of to the court of Henri of Navarre, have been astonished, beyond expression, at my having desired to serve in the King's infantry, which, in the event of another civil war, might be arrayed against the army of our faith.

There were exceedingly interesting receptions by various ministers, and at these one met the men best worth knowing in France: the men famous in science, literature, and art, who redeem France from the disgrace heaped upon her by the wretched creatures who most noisily represent her through sensational newspapers. Of the men who impressed me most was Henri Martin, the eminent historian.

This was at Cheslow Station on the arrival of the afternoon up train that had brought Miss Stone, her Aunt Kate, and the smiling Colonel Henri Marchand to join the automobile touring party which Jennie soon dubbed "the later Pilgrims."

They entered the Louvre from the Quai. Joan was undoubtedly flurried. Here, in very truth, was that irrepressible Henri descended from his bronze horse and walking by her side. That his later name happened to be Alec did not matter at all.

"There's no lack o' game here," said Dick Varley, pointing to a herd of buffaloes which rose at their approach, and fled away towards the wood. "I think we'll ha' thunder soon," remarked Joe. "I never feel it onnatteral hot like this without looking out for a plump." "Hah! den ve better look hout for one goot tree to get b'low," suggested Henri.

Without giving a thought to the conventionalities, Henri entered the bedchamber, to the great astonishment of the maids, and, installing himself at the head of the bed, he decided not to leave that spot until Valentine had regained her senses, should she ever regain them.

He broke off and watched Jean anxiously. "A half face!" Jean said scornfully. "The pretty view! As for kindness " He put the photograph face down on the table. "I knew once a man in Belgium who married an American. At Antwerp. They were most unhappy." Henri smiled. "You are lying," he said with boyish pleasure in his own astuteness. "You knew no such couple. You are trying to make me resigned."

"Henri, by this time, was rapidly nearing the opposite bank of the canal, taking little heed of the bullets that were splashing all about him. "'It is good luck to be little, he chuckled as he scrambled up the bank and dashed into the bushes.