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Five miles you claim must be resurveyed regraded relaid. Forty-six thousand dollars a mile! ... That's the secret two hundred and thirty thousand dollars more for a construction company!" Neale left the office and, returning to Henney, repeated the interview to him word for word. Henney complimented Neale's spirit, but deplored the incident. It could do no good and might do harm.

Hislop, have a bearing upon our strange legend: the very slightest cast in the eyes, which in its piquancy belied a fine genial nature in the said Henney; and a classic nose, which, partaking of the old Roman type, and indicating pride, was equally untrue to a generosity of feeling which made friends of all who saw her except one.

"Henney had to go to Omaha. Boone is sick at Fort Fetterman. Baxter has only a new green hand out there, an' they've sure struck a snag." "That's too bad," replied Neale, still thoughtfully. "Is the chief is General Lodge there?" "Yes. There's a trooper camp. Colonel Dillon an' some of the officers have their wives out on a little visit to see the work. They couldn't stand Benton."

We've been years on the job now, and the nearer the meeting of rails from west to east the harder become our problems. Henney is played out, Boone is ill, Baxter won't last much longer. If I were not an old soldier, I would be done up now." "Chief, I can see only success," replied Neale, with spirit. "Assuredly. We see with the same eyes," said General Lodge, smiling.

King did not give the troopers any satisfaction. Limping on to the tents of the engineers, he set down the instrument and called. Boone was the first to come out, and his summons brought Henney, Baxter, and the younger members of the corps. General Lodge, sitting at his campfire some rods away, and bending over his drawings, did not see King's arrival.

"This is the only pass through these foot-hills," said Engineer Henney, the eldest of Lodge's corps. The passage ended where the break in the walls fronted abruptly upon the gorge. It was a wild scene. Only inspired and dauntless men could have entertained any hope of building a railroad through such a place.

I was wondering what job there could be," replied Neale, and he laughed, too. "What did the chief say?" "He said a lot. "Good Lord!" breathed Neale. "You're not in earnest?" "Wal, I shore am, as your cowboy pard says," returned Henney. And then he spoke with real earnestness. "Listen, Neale. Here's the matter in a nutshell.

And where did the devil find that poison growing but in the heart of Isabel Napier, the sister of that very Charles who is now thinking he will heir Eastleys by pushing aside poor Henney? And then the poison, like the old apple, was so fair and tempting; for Mr.

"Coffee, if there was any law out here for stealing you'd go to jail," declared Neale. "You're a thief, same as this pup who tried to bribe me. You're worse. You've held up the line. You've ordered your rotten work done over and over again. This is treachery to General Lodge to Henney, who sent you out here. And to me it's it's there's no name low enough. I surveyed the line through here.

He did not underestimate his responsibility nor the nature of his task, and he felt the coming of nameless and unknown events beyond all divining. Henney was Neale's next visitor. The old engineer appeared elated, but for the moment he apparently forgot everything else in his solicitude for the young man's welfare. Presently, after he had been reassured, the smile came back to his face.