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Then we exchanged names and shook hands, and I watched them going along the path to Henkel's. "Next day Scott came down to the jetty. He sat on a stump and stared at everything. He was ready enough to talk, in his guarded way. Yes, he was new to the tropics; in some ways they were not what he had expected, but he was not disappointed. He was here for the novelty, the experience.

His light Northern eyes were gravely considering this land where life was held on a short lease, and he looked at me as if he were sorry for me. "I saw them off the next day. There were six or eight men of Henkel's, loaded with food and trade-goods, and I saw that two of them were sickening where they stood.

Henkel's tone as he put the question, was one of bitter irony. "Do you know," demanded Farley, rising, his face now flushing painfully, "I don't wholly like your tone." "Forget it, then," begged Henkel. "I don't mean to be offensive to you, Farley. I haven't the least thought in the world like that.

He also said that when he saw any particularly miserable bit of human wreckage, white or brown, adrift on the languid tides of life about the jetty, he always said without further inquiry, "It's Henkel's house you're looking for. Turn to the left, and keep on turning to the left. And if God knew what went on under these trees. He'd have mercy on you."

When the North Carolina Synod, without further investigation, annulled a ban of excommunication which David Henkel's congregation had imposed, Tennessee repudiated the action as an infringement on the rights of the congregation. "For," said they, "it cannot be proven anywhere that a synod has authority to break the decision made by the church council and the congregation.

He roomed at a machinists' boarding-house, and enjoyed the furious discussions over religion and the question of air versus water cooling far more than he had ever enjoyed the polite jesting at Mrs. Henkel's. He became friendly with the foreman of the repair-shop, and was promised a "chance." While the driver who made the road-tests of the cars was ill Carl was called on as a substitute.

Henkel, did you arrange any or all of the disorder which Lieutenant Nettleson reported having found in Mr. Darrin's room?" "I did not, sir." Henkel's voice was clear, firm almost convincing. "Have you, at any time, committed any offense in Mr. Darrin's room, by tampering with his equipment or belongings, or with the furniture of the room?" "Never, sir," declared Midshipman Henkel positively.

Henkel's eyes glared as he turned upon him. 'Be silent! he ordered, with a fury he could hardly repress. Roy merely smiled, and Henkel turned again to Ken. 'It lies with you whether your father goes to Gallipoli or not, he said curtly. 'I have sufficient influence to prevent his being sent there. 'How do you mean? Ken asked thickly. 'I will tell you plainly.

Henkel's boarding-house for supper the next evening he found the students passing from hand to hand a copy of the town paper, the Plato Weekly Times, which bore on the front page what the town regarded as a red-hot news story: PLATO PROFESSOR

The "Untimely Synod" had declared the excommunication of a member of David Henkel's congregation to be invalid, without investigating the matter in that congregation, thereby infringing upon the rights of the congregation. The same synod had not rebuked its president, Rev.