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But it is wrong to speak of that wide-winged loveliness of glittering and transparent gold as an 'insect. Henkel sat staring at it, one big yellowish hand curved on either side of it, too happy to speak. His lips moved, and I fancied he was saying to himself, 'Cheap, cheap. "'It is very good, he said at last, cunningly, 'but I am sorry there is only one.

"Old man Grierson is no liar," retorted Farley. "He is one of most trusted employes in the yard. He has caught many a midshipman, but Grierson is such a square old brick that the midshipmen of two generations love him." "You're too easy for this rough world," jeered Midshipman Henkel. "Perhaps I am," retorted Farley. "But I'm going through it decently, anyway."

Pushing aside a dress uniform and a raincoat that hung like curtains, Lieutenant Nettleson gazed into the face of Midshipman Henkel! Henkel had been caught so suddenly, had realized it so tardily, that the grin of exultation had not quite faded from his face by the time that he stood exposed. In another second, however, that midshipman's face had turned as white as dirty chalk.

And when it was said that such was the teaching of the Bible, he answered: 'Even if five hundred Bibles should say so, he would not believe it! And to our knowledge he was never called to account for this statement." For the dissatisfied party held a synod of their own at Buffalo Creek, at the time specified by the constitution, and ordained Bell and David Henkel.

Most of us in that place were a little mad on some point. I was, myself. Henkel was mad on the subject of his butterflies. He told me the troubles he'd had getting them from Indians and negroes, and how his men cheated him. He took it very much to heart, and snuffled as he spoke.

The Turks liked him. They'd have given it him like a shot. But the Germans got behind his back, and did him down. The end was that they refused to let him work his coal. 'Of course he was awfully sick, but not half so sick as when a German named Henkel came along and offered to buy him out at about half the price he had originally paid for the place.

'These are the spies, Herr Colonel, he said with an air of deference. 'They were captured more than two miles behind our lines. We have interrogated them, but they refuse information. The colonel looked at Ken. 'Have you nothing to say for yourselves? he demanded. 'Plenty, but not to you, Colonel Henkel, replied Ken with a sarcasm he did not trouble to conceal.

'The prisoners are those of whom I spoke last night to Colonel Henkel. Disguised in the overcoats of Turkish soldiers, they contrived to destroy one of our quick-firers, and to-day they were discovered hiding in a wood behind our lines. They had, it appears, been plundering our wounded, for food and a Turkish rifle were found in their possession.

"David, little giant, the matter is cleared and as good as squared," cried Dalzell. "And now I know this is the first time in my life that I've ever been really and unutterably happy!" During the nest two days it was known through the brigade at large that Midshipman Henkel was in close arrest. The brigade did not at once learn the cause.

"'Mismanagement, mismanagement, said Henkel, but Scott went on as if he had not heard: "'We followed the river for two days, and then turned east. In a week after that two of your men were dead. They died of fever. No, the quinine was no good; there was a lot of flour in it. Two days more, and another man died, but he would have died anyhow.