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The cost of it would have built and furnished an industrial school and workshop for a hundred negroes; but this train was, I dare say, a much more inspiring example of what they might attain by the higher education. There were half a dozen in the party besides the Hendersons Carmen, of course; Mr. Ponsonby, the English attache; and Mrs. Laflamme, to matronize three New York young ladies.

"Somebody made a good deal of noise down in the corridor," said Mother Fisher, "and your father went out to see what was the matter, and then he came back and told me what to do, and he took Phronsie and went for old Mr. King. But he had sent a porter to warn them in 165, and they would tell the Hendersons in the next room, before he ran upstairs to me." It was a long speech for Mother Fisher.

The Hendersons would have had him stay the night, but he had given his man orders to wait him with his horse at a certain point on the road; and Aggie had not gone far before he got up with her.

The girl who was to have played it Ethel Revell is ill. Do you know any of Miss Copeland's girls? Olivia Cartwright plays Petruchio." "Olivia Cartwright? Is she to be in some play? She's a distant cousin of mine." "It's a school play Miss Copeland's school, where Rob teaches, you know. The play is to be in the Stuart Hendersons' ballroom."

That her loss of interest in things intellectual, in a wide range of topics of human welfare, which is in the individual soul a sign of warmth and growth, made her less companionable to some is true, but her very absorption in the life of her world made her much more attractive to others. I well remember a dinner one day at the Hendersons', when Mr.

She was the most wildly happy bride I ever saw. Think of it, George in six months! What do you suppose would have happened if you " "Don't! I didn't." And Georgiana's grateful thoughts went back to one of the crises in her life, the one from which Jefferson Craig had rescued her. "Do you know the Ralph Hendersons? Married two years now I'm sure you've heard me speak of them.

Next came the choir, spreading over three big democrats, and following them, the Hendersons' hay wagon with the children piled into it three deep. Ordinary individuals came next without any order of precedence, and as far down the line as possible, Christina sat beside John in their single buggy.

"It will make a considerable difference to us all, of course," said Mrs. Donaldson. Her brother seemed to take this as a question, for he nodded gravely and answered "Oh, decidedly it will make that." She mused for a moment and then turned to her sister. "What was the name of the shoot the Hendersons had last season?" "Glenfiddle." "They paid two hundred, didn't they?"

And when he was with the Hendersons, or Miss Tavish, whose father, though not newly rich, was one of the most aggressive of speculators, and saw how easily every luxurious desire glided into fulfillment, he felt for the first time in his life the emotion of envy. It seemed then that only unlimited money could make the world attractive.

January 24th. Christine and I went to pay a visit to the Duke and Duchess of Cleveland at Battle Abbey. It was singularly interesting and agreeable. Nothing could exceed the vivacity of the Duchess, or her attention to her guests. The party consisted of Maud Stanley, Charles Newton, Banks-Stanhope, Raglan Somerset, and the Mercer Hendersons.