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"And I will tell the truth at all times." "Very well," snorted Connel. "Now, who are you working for?" "Professor Hemmingwell," replied Troy. "Stow that," snarled Connel. "Who paid you to sabotage the ship?" "I have not committed any sabotage for anyone, sir." "Then you deny that you wrecked that firing unit?" "Yes." Walters suddenly leaned forward.

As soon as the artificial gravity was in effect, the officer put the ship on standard cruising speed, changed course slightly to put them on a direct heading to Mars, and then ordered Barret and Hemmingwell to the control deck. "Well, Professor," he said as he gave the old man a hearty handshake, "so far so good. She handles like a baby carriage.

Devers that if he didn't let me come down here, I'd quit and come, anyway." Hemmingwell beamed. "Well, now, if Captain Strong were only here, we could get along with the business at hand." Devers frowned. "Why is he so important?" he asked. "Steve has been placed in charge of procurement for the construction of the hangar and getting the spur line in from the monorail station," replied Connel.

Thirty seconds after reaching their room, they were asleep in their bunks, without undressing or washing. Like whipped dogs, they sprawled on their bunks, dead to the world. Sabotage! Major Connel, Commander Walters, Captain Strong, Professor Hemmingwell, and Dave Barret stared unbelievingly at the tangle of wires and smashed tubes on the main deck of the sleek spaceship.

"... And upon the orders of Dave Barret and Professor Hummingbird " Roger was saying. "Hemmingwell," snapped Firehouse. "Hemmingwell." " Hemmingwell" nodded Roger with a wink at Astro "we brought the suspect to the officer of the guard, Firehouse Tim Rush." "Can that Firehouse, ya squirt!" growled Rush. "Only my friends can call me that. And you two are not in that classification."

"How about it, Professor?" he asked. "Do we haul this guy in?" Hemmingwell looked at Troy steadily. "Pat, you knew about that new unit I was building?" "Yes, sir," replied Troy forthrightly. "I accidentally overheard you and Commander Walters discussing it. From what you said about it, I knew you would need new timers for the oscillators "

"We've got to get out of here!" "By the craters of Luna!" cried Astro. "I forgot all about them!" Tom, Roger, Astro, Hemmingwell, and Connel raced out of the air lock to their stations. Astro poured on the power without waiting for an order from the control deck and soon they were rocketing into the safety of space.

"Barret," said Connel, "I have enough evidence on you now to send you to a prison asteroid for ten years at least!" "On what charge?" demanded the young man. "Trying to kill an officer of the Solar Guard." "Where is your proof?" demanded Barret. "Right there!" snorted Major Connel, pointing to the sleeping figure of Professor Hemmingwell. "What do you mean?" demanded Barret.

Barret and Hemmingwell walked off, with the little professor talking rapidly to the younger scientist, trying to calm his anger. Astro, Tom, and Roger were extraordinarily strict about the exit of the workers that night and there was angry muttering in the ranks of the men who wanted to get home.

"That," said Connel stiffly, "is a military secret." "Of course," nodded Devers, smiling. "I was just curious." "Well, now that we're agreed on a site for the operation," said Professor Hemmingwell, "is there anything else you want to discuss, Commander?" "Not for the moment, Professor," replied the commandant of Space Academy. "You have any more questions, Major Connel?"