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Heister speaks of birth during a convulsive somnolence, and Osiander of a case during sleep. Montgomery relates the case of a lady, the mother of several children, who on one occasion was unconsciously delivered in sleep. Case relates the instance of a French woman residing in the town of Hopedale, who, though near confinement, attributed her symptoms to over-fatigue on the previous day.

"On the Sunday morning they did indeed pass by to go to church, but their father and grandmother were with them; and she knew well enough that she should have no chance of any of them when the older and wiser people were present. "The family came to church in the afternoon, but Heister was at chapel then.

To them he spoke in a whisper. "The fellow brings letters from General Heister to the Governor of Trent to stop us at all costs. But his letters are destroyed, and he's lying dead-drunk on the table." The three men quickly concerted a plan.

Goar from the coming of these strangers, for he never failed to drop in just about the time that the guests had finished their dinner, and was always invited to taste of any savoury dish which remained, to which Heister generally added a bottle of the ordinary wine of the country.

"Ella was not yet fourteen; she was a tall girl of her age, and had been brought up with the greatest care by her grandmother, though made to put her hand to everything required in her station. Ella was spoken of as the best-behaved, most modest, and altogether the finest and fairest of all the girls in the valley. "Heister Kamp said that she was as proud and lofty as the eagle of the hills.

'For what can it signify, she said to herself, 'if Heister does know the truth? But she would take care not to mention at home what she had said to Madame Kamp; and in this Meeta found, to her cost, that she could keep a secret." "There now!" cried Henry, as Emily was turning over a leaf, "papa was right; he told me who would betray the secret."

"'Ten days? repeated Jacques; 'what makes you remember ten days ago so particularly? "'Well, but was it not about ten days ago, returned Heister, 'that she found something very curious in the grass, and called on you to come and look at it? "'There is scarce a day, answered Jacques, 'in which she does not call me to come to her and see something she has met with more wonderful than ordinary.

She suddenly caught at her basket, brought it down from her head, and said, 'What garland is it you mean, neighbour? and she busied herself in arranging the flowers again. "'Well, but the fish, Ella the silver and golden fish in the net, said Heister, 'what have you to say about them?

"'Nay, nay, replied Meeta, 'that is overdoing it; I really don't think there are more than fifteen. "'Well, returned Heister, 'I don't want to know exactly how many there are I am not curious; no one troubles herself less with other people's affairs than I do; but I am glad this good luck has come to Martin Stolberg, above all others in the valley.

Messrs. Ames, Benson, Boudinot, Brown, Cadwallader, Clymer, Fitzsimons, Floyd, Foster, Gale, Gerry, Gilman, Goodhue, Griffin, Grout, Hartley, Hathorne, Heister, Huntington, Lawrence, Lee, Leonard, Livermore, Madison, Moore, Muhlenberg, Pale, Parker, Partridge, Renssellaer, Schureman, Scott, Sedgwick, Seney, Sherman, Sinnickson, Smith of Maryland, Sturges, Thatcher, Trumbull, Wadsworth, White, and Wynkoop 43.