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Did he spend the winter by himself, or did the heimweh smite his heart more sorely and bring him irresistibly to the loved nest in the rafters? This love of home, which is so striking an attribute of birds, is a wonderfully beautiful thing.

Always, I resolved to forego it like a man; always, like a man, I was overborne by the ancient longing, the formless "heimweh" that haunts the hearts of the unmated, and which in my own case made short work of stoic resolutions. And, since the game had taught me that yielding where opposition is fated to avail not is graceful in proportion to its readiness, I surrendered as quietly as might be.

Leo Mielziner have mastered the technique of their art, be it in Moscow or Munich, or Berlin, or Paris, but the heart which inspires their brush or mallet pulsates in Palestine. The wandering Jew in them pauses, not to portray the impression of the foreign lands and stranger customs, but to depict his own suffering, his own Heimweh, his own aspirations.

She had a back seat, and looked towards the factory-chimneys, and the cloud of smoke which hovers over Manchester, with a feeling akin to the "Heimweh." She was losing sight of the familiar objects of her childhood for the first time; and unpleasant as those objects are to most, she yearned after them with some of the same sentiment which gives pathos to the thoughts of the emigrant.

"In me, wanderer that I am, in me, with the Heimweh in my heart never to be stilled but in that home where Schumann has already gone, you see Florestan." "Louis Boehner!" Filled with wonder, and scarcely knowing what I did, I took a little piece of paper which he unwrapped from many folds and placed in my hand. On it these words were written:

Jane swallowed her "heimweh" in silence, and bestirred herself so well that soon the stateroom looked very cosy with the wrappers laid ready, the hanging bags tacked up, and all made ship-shape for the ten days' trip. "But where are YOUR comforts? You have given Ethel all the room, the lower berth, and the best of everything," said Mrs.

She had been frightened at the solemnity of Douglas Fraser's hasty farewell, and, while Justine Delande affected to touch the breakfast spread in their rooms by the Swiss lady's maid, now gloomy in an attack of heimweh, Nadine saw a four-wheeler rattle away over the lawn, while old Andrew Fraser grimly watched it until the gates clanged behind the departing Anglo-Indian.

But fine and subtle as in many instances are the thoughts which these words embody, there are deeper thoughts struggling in the bosom of a people, who have devised for themselves such words as the following: 'gemueth, 'heimweh, 'innigkeit, 'sehnsucht, 'tiefsinn, 'sittsamkeit, 'verhaengniss, 'weltschmerz, 'zucht'; all these being German words which, in a similar manner, partially or wholly fail to find their equivalents in French.

I know she hasn't. She didn't want her to know." "Well, then " "Mummy, you don't have to tell Ronny things. She always knows them." "How on earth could she know a thing like that?" "She might. She sort of sees things like Ferdie. She may have seen him with Desmond. You can't tell." "Do they say what the doctor thinks?" "Yes. He thinks it's worry and Heimweh homesickness.

At the worst they would look at you as if they were somehow with you and say something sentimental. "Sie hat Heimweh" or something like that. Minna would.