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"We press the German armies back everywhere. Our supreme chief is a silent man, but he has delivered a master stroke. We've emerged from the very gulf of defeat and despair to the heights of victory. We're not only driving the Germans across the Marne, but we're driving them further.

General Toombs was censured for this engagement, for which, it seems, he was in no wise responsible. On the 1st of July, about three o'clock in the afternoon, commenced one of the famous battles of the war. McClellan's army had gotten away from its perilous position astride the Chickahominy, and now found itself united and strongly intrenched on the heights of Malvern Hill.

They are almost on the spot, and at any rate can get quickly over the ground. Ride, sir," to an aide-de-camp, "and tell Lord Lucan to recover the heights. Tell him he will have infantry, two whole divisions, in support." They watched the aide-de-camp deliver his message; but still Lord Lucan, who was in supreme command of the cavalry, made no move. "What is he at?" cried Lord Raglan, testily.

Peter, and men were engaged, now, in removing the flowers and gilt paper from the walls and pillars. As no ladders could reach the great heights, the men swung themselves down from balustrades and the capitals of pilasters by ropes, to do this work.

Should you talk of sameness then?" Alice's eyes sparkled for a moment, then she said, "Yes, I should tire even of that, after a while, glorious as it would be at first." "Have you reached such sublime heights of philosophy already?

He had been on the Heights, conferring with General Putnam, on the afternoon of August 20th, and presently he summoned an orderly and told him to tell Dick Dare to come to headquarters.

And when at length he opened it, amid the general silence, it was to carry the discussion at once up to such heights of abstraction that a good number of the audience, not understanding a word of it, stealthily made for the door. Each successive answer put fresh spirit into him. "Very good," he murmured, "very good; let us carry it a step farther. Now supposing "

Here, yet more sharply defined, was the same difference she had noted between the Palace of Pleasure on the heights and the mills at the foot of the mountain. Would the people think she was good enough? Would they understand how hard she meant to try? For a minute she had a desperate impulse to turn and run.

Perhaps it was that they too were carried away by the witchery and the spell which the Old Man had cast over the rest of the House; and, while disagreeing with him, were still sufficiently wound up to the lofty and more empyrean heights which the orator reached to feel that there would be something jarring and even common in a note of dissent.

Taine, particularly, charged me to say that she will not forgive, until you do proper penance for your sin." "I had better company," retorted the other. "Czar and I went for a look at the mountains. I suppose you have noticed that Czar does not care for the Fairlands Heights crowd. He is very peculiar in his friendships for a dog. His instincts are remarkable."