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He was amazed at this violent and threatening interruption. He gave a funny little skip backwards on the dais; his heel came thereby in contact with the high hassock on which Mr. Saffron's feet rested. The hassock was shifted; one foot fell from it on to the dais, and Mr. Saffron's body fell a little forward from out of the deep recess of his great chair.

When the government presents him with an artificial leg, a thick heel and elastic sole of India-rubber give him comfort every time he puts it to the ground. An India-rubber pipe with an inserted bowl of clay, a billiard-table provided with India-rubber cushions and balls, can solace his long convalescence. In the field, this material is not less strikingly useful.

It seemed to him that he had been six years taking leave of Jewdwine; each year had seen the departure of some quality he had known him by. He wanted to have done with it now for ever. But Jewdwine would not see his hand. He turned away; paced the floor; swung back on a hesitating heel and approached him, smiling. "You're not going to disappear altogether, are you?

I told him that a gentleman ceased to be a gentleman when once he gambled beyond his means." I waited to hear no more, but with crimson cheeks and head in air, I turned on my heel and started for the door. "Damn my stars, sir!" he roared. "Wait to hear me out." But I would not wait. After a moment's struggle with the latch, I had the door open and marched straight to my room.

"Very well; have it your own way, Tim, take care of the beasts, and overtake us as quick as you can!" and as he spoke, he let down the bars which parted a fine wheat stubble from the road, and entered the field with the dogs at heel. "We must part company to beat these little woods, must we not, Tom?"

Then, when you get out of jail, you can find out what your high and mighty West Point friends think of that!" Dodge finished with a harsh, sneering laugh, then turned on his heel. "The cheap skate!" muttered Greg, looking after the retreating fellow. "Humph! I'd like to see him make any trouble for us!" "He may try it," muttered Prescott, gazing thoughtfully after their ancient enemy.

"The artistes we had before you, Mademoiselle, who were quite as talented as you, if not more so, had a way of going across the stage without turning their back on the public." And he turned quickly on his heel and was going away, when I stopped him. "Monsieur, will you go to that door, through which you intended to pass, without turning your back on me?"

The sentry, who had spun round on his heel again, seemed about to speak: his voice expired before it came out of his mouth: he saluted, spun round again and followed the rest out of the room. When the place was cleared I pulled my left brace out of the armhole of my waistcoat and displayed the silver star. The fat man sprang up.

"You appear to be working hard," replied the forester scornfully. "I help load the trucks," said the fellow, as the forester turned on his heel and walked away, followed by Charley. "You don't suppose that he could have heard what we said, do you?" asked Charley, anxiously. "Heard every word of it," replied the forester. "The jig is up. That was Bill Collins' cousin and he's as crooked as Bill.

She turned on her heel and strode back to the dining-room, while Peggy flicked the cap off her head, trying hard to look unconscious, and to continue her investigations as if nothing embarrassing had occurred. "There's the old stain on the floor where I spilt the ink, and the little marks all the way upstairs where the corners of my box took off the paint. Dear, dear, how home-like they look!