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She was a sturdy, thick-waisted, stout-ankled person, this Aunt Hedwig, with a cheery red face, and prodigiously fine white teeth, and very bright black eyes; and her taste in dress was such that when of a Sunday she went to the Church of the Redemptorist Fathers, in Third Street, she was more brilliant than ever King Solomon was in all his glory, in her startling array of vivid reds and greens and blues.

Even this last June, when Karl had made his looked-for visit to the summer palace where the Court had been in, residence, he had already had the thing in mind. Even when his arms had been about her, Olga Loschek, he had been looking over her shoulder, as it were, at Hedwig. He had had it all in his wicked head, even then. For Karl was wicked.

But the old King did not even know she was there. The failure of her plan as to Nikky and Hedwig was known to the Countess the night before. Hedwig had sent for her and faced her in her boudoir, very white and calm. "He refuses," she said. "There is nothing more to do." "Refuses!" "He has promised not to leave Otto." Olga Loschek had been incredulous, at first. It was not possible.

ALL. Long live brave Tell, our shield, our liberator. The former salutes the peasantry, the latter embraces HEDWIG. The music, from the mountains continues to play. When it has stopped, BERTHA steps into the centre of the crowd. BERTHA. Peasants! Confederates! Into your league Receive me here that happily am the first To find protection in the land of freedom.

"Very well, I will stop him." Opening the window, Hedwig called to the Italian by name, and said, on receiving his answer: "Please not to shoot any more!" "Why not?" came the reply in the mellow voice of the Italian. "Come in and you'll learn." But she shut the window to intimate that he was to enter the house by the door as he had issued, and hastily returned to her mistress.

There is no mistaking the strength of a suffering that wastes and consumes the mortal part of us as wax melts at the fire. And Benoni the villain! He had written to ask Hedwig in marriage before he came to see me in Rome. There was something fiendish in his almost inviting me to see his triumph, and I cursed him as I kicked the loose stones in the road with my heavy shoes.

Hedwig came forward a few steps from where she had been standing beside De Pretis, and Nino bowed low before her. She had on a long dark dress, and no ornament whatever, save her beautiful bright hair, so that her face was like a jewel set in gold and velvet. But, when I think of it, such a combination would seem absurdly vulgar by the side of Hedwig von Lira.

Hedwig was like a flower that required the sun. Only her sun was happiness. She was in soft white chiffons, her hair and frock alike girlish and unpretentious. Her mother, coming into her dressing room, had eyed her with disfavor. "You look like a school-girl," she said, and had sent for rouge, and with her own royal hands applied it.

Restless I must pursue a changing course; I only feel the flush and joy of life In starting some fresh quarry every day. HEDWIG. Heedless the while of all your wife's alarms As she sits watching through long hours at home. For my soul sinks with terror at the tales The servants tell about your wild adventures. Whene'er we part my trembling heart forebodes That you will ne'er come back to me again.

Annunciata was asleep, and beyond, Hilda was playing dreamily, and very softly, as behooves one whose bedtime is long past. When the Countess dropped the curtain, she turned abruptly to Hedwig. "Friends, Highness? One may have friends, of course. It is not friendship they fear." "What then?" "A lover," said the Countess softly.