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Carinthia's attitude toward his father conduced to his emulous respect for the old man, below whom, and indeed below the roadway of ordinary principles hedged with dull texts, he had strangely fallen. The sight of her lashed him. She made it her business or it was her pleasure to go the rounds beside Mr. Woodseer visiting his poor people.

Miss Grace had barely got through her first greetings, and declined Patience's offer of a cup of tea "fresh-made," when the door was flung open and Thomas almost fell in. In trouble he would have remembered his wife's affliction, and have hedged her round with every care, but joy was another thing.

"Do you think there are no bets in it but those about the Clerkland?" "Keep your missiles to yourself, then," said Kennedy, while Brogten burnt his fingers in the vain attempt to rescue his book. "I hope you've at least hedged, or behaved as judiciously in the case of your other bets as in those about the Clerkland," suggested one of his sporting friends.

"A hundred and twenty-five pounds to five, madam," he said. "Oh, what luck! You must keep the odd five pounds, Fitzroy." "No, thank you. I hedged on Vendetta, so I am still winning." "But really, I insist." He handed her a bundle of notes. "You will find a hundred and thirty pounds there," he said, and she understood that his refusal to accept her money was final.

It seems as if we should never get really to the bottom of them. Mali's always springing some new one upon me. I don't believe we shall ever be able to leave the island we're so hedged round with taboos. Even if we were to see a ship to-day, I don't believe they'd allow us to signal it." There was a red sunset; a lurid, tropical, red-and-green sunset. It boded mischief.

May you and Dot have the best of everything all your lives!" Poor Dot would have fled had that been possible, but she was hedged in too closely for that. Moreover, Nap had transferred her hand to Bertie's, and the boy's warm grasp renewed her fainting courage. She knew he was as amazed as she was herself at Nap's sudden move, and she determined that she would stand by him at whatever cost.

On either hand the road was hedged in by a close board fence, four feet or so in height. It was for the possession of this highway that the approaching lines were about to shed their blood. If the Confederates failed to win it all their artillery would be lost, and their army captured or dispersed. The two parties came on without firing.

Time and men and circumstance, sorrow and ignorance and falsity, have conspired to destroy the race; but there is a vision there, however thwarted and hedged in, and the people do not perish: their woods and mountains are still full of a gay or mournful, a wailing or a singing, but always a beautiful, life.

"I'd find some way to stop her if I were in your place," said Ella valiantly, and Bertie felt that the glamour of his anxiously deliberated present had faded away in the disagreeable restriction that hedged round its acknowledgment. "Is anything the matter?" asked Bertie's friend Clovis when they met that evening at the swimming-bath. "Why do you ask?" said Bertie.

It was a big featured, strong, rosy face, and the unmistakable intellectual power of it, which became apparent the moment he got his faculties into action, had a trick of hiding, at other times, behind a mere robust simplicity. "Good gracious!" he said. "I didn't know you were going to have a party." It seemed though, he didn't want to make an issue of that. He hedged.