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"It is much better that we should have been all three together; I should never have been happy again if I had lost both Hec and you. It is better as it is; you and Hec would not have been so well off if I had not been with you to help you, and keep up your spirits by my songs and stories."

He just opened his mouth wide and stared. Then 'Aunt-ie, he began slowly, in a tone of reproach, 'thoo But he got no further. 'Ger, said auntie gravely, 'I'm ashamed of you. You haven't even said "How do you do?" or shaken hands with this young lady. She isn't accustomed to see little boys fighting and kicking each other. 'I diddun fight, said Ger, 'I on'y kicked. Hec begunned.

"In truth, Hec, it were a sin and a shame to cut her pretty curls, that become her so well," said Louis. "But we have no scissors, ma belle, so you need fear no injury to your precious locks." "For the matter of that, Louis, we could cut them with your couteau de chaise. I could tell you a story that my father told me, not long since, of Charles Stuart, the second king of that name in England.

"Well," said Catharine, "as you have told me such a nice story, Mister Hec, I shall forgive the affront about my curls." "Well, then, to-morrow we are to try our luck at fishing, and if we fail, we will make us bows and arrows to kill deer or small game; I fancy we shall not be over particular as to its of quality. Why should not we be able to find subsistence as well as the wild Indians?"

"I know that; but I want to attract the notice of yonder tiresome fisherman." "And perhaps bring a swarm of savages down upon us, who may be lurking in the bushes of the island." "Pooh, pooh! Hec; there are no savages. I am weary of this place anything is better than this horrible solitude."

"You can't scare me, Jimmie Ben," said Hughie, white with rage. "You tried your best and you couldn't do it." "Play the game, Hughie," said the master, in a low tone, skating round him, while Hec Ross said, good-naturedly, "Shut up Jimmie Ben. You'll need all your wind for your heels," at which all but Jimmie Ben laughed. For a moment Dan drew his men together.

And of all the priests the one that mattered most was the venerable High Priest of Hec. It was to this prelate, therefore, that Ascobaruch made his way at the close of the proceedings.

Straight to Hector's chair she stalked, and before the surprised family could recover their breath, she clutched the unhappy youth by the hair and jerked him out of his seat, crying accusingly, "Hec Abbott, you disgraceful son of a judge! You stole my melons, my State Fair melons! You can't say you didn't, 'cause I've found your knife in the garden! I s'pose it walked there, didn't it?

At the right of the forward line stood the redoubtable Dan Munro, the stocky, tricky, fierce captain of the Front team, and with him three rather small boys in red shirts. The defense consisted of Hec Ross, the much-famed and much-feared Jimmie Ben, while in goal, sure enough, stood the immense and solid bulk of Farquhar Bheg. The center was held by four boys of fair size and weight.

"Hec, there is something in this canoe, the sight of which will gladden your heart," cried Louis, with a joyful look. "Come quickly, and see my treasures!" "Treasures! You may well call them treasures," exclaimed Hector, as he helped Louis to examine the contents of the canoe and place them on the shore side by side.