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Jim raged on, "I'll be cawn-demmed if I'll stand it. I don't Ike don't want them spavined old crows; they're all ring-boned and got the heaves." His long repressed ill-nature broke out. "Toh, toh!" said the Deacon, "Don't kick over the traces now. We'll fix it up some way."

For my own part, I think that when I am clear of The Chequers I shall go clean away into the North Sea. If on some mad night the last sea heaves us down, and the Loafer is found on some wind-swept beach, that will be as good an end as a burnt-out, careless being can ask. Perhaps Jim Billings, the rough, and I, the broken gentleman, may go triumphantly together. Who knows?

The most loathsome member of this interesting company is a wretched old hypocrite who rolls his eyes about and heaves a deep-drawn sigh of Allah! every few minutes, and then looks furtively at myself and the Sheikh to observe its effects; his sole garment is a round-about mantle that reaches to his knees, and which seems to have been manufactured out of the tattered remnants of other tattered remnants tacked carelessly together without regard to shape, size, color, or previous condition of cleanliness; his thin, scrawny legs are bare, his long black hair is matted and unkempt, his beard is stubby and unlovely to look upon, his small black eyes twinkle in the semi-darkness like ferret's eyes, while soap and water have to all appearances been altogether stricken from the category of his personal requirements.

Heh! when the captain's gig is pulled up to the davits; he heaves the lead too; and sometimes, when all the ship is lazy, he puts on his whitest muslin and a big red sash, and plays with the passengers' children on the quarter-deck. Then the passengers give him money, and he saves it all up for an orgie at Bombay or Calcutta, or Pulu Penang.

No man ever saw the ocean still like this lake; but it heaves and sets as if it had lungs." "And this lake is not absolutely still, for you perceive there is a little ripple on the shore, and you may even hear the surf plunging at moments against the rocks." "All d d poetry! Lake Ontario is no more the Atlantic than a Powles Hook periagila is a first-rate.

"Then I sent for the horse-doctor, and he said there was nothing the matter with the horse but heaves, and he left some medicine 'to patch up his wind. The result was that the horse coughed for two days as if he had gone into galloping consumption, and between two of the coughs he kicked the hired man through the partition and bit our black-and-tan terrier in half.

I had one horse, an old one, and it had the heaves, a one-horse harness, and a one-horse wagon, three tillage implements, and nine cows that were paid for; and a wife and two babies, but no money. Now that was the condition in which we started on this farm, thirty-six years ago, in debt heavily, and no money; but that is not the worst of it.

'Now, says I, 'you had better lay where you be and let me go, for I am proper tired; I blow like a horse that's got the heaves; and besides, says I, 'I guess you had better wash your face, for I am most a feared you hurt yourself. That riled him properly; I meant that it should; so he ups and at me awful spiteful like a bull; then I lets him have it, right, left, right, jist three corkers, beginning with the right hand, shifting to the left, and then with the right hand agin.

Got so touchy that he assaults anyone who asks questions, and heaves reporters down the stairs. In my opinion he's just a homicidal megalomaniac with a turn for science. That's your man, Mr. Malone. Now, off you run, and see what you can make of him. You're big enough to look after yourself. Anyway, you are all safe. Employers' Liability Act, you know."

Courage! for life is hasting To endless life away; The inner fire, unwasting, Transfigures our dull clay See the stars melting, sinking, In life wine, golden bright We, of the splendour drinking, Shall grow to stars of light. Lost, lost are all our losses; Love set for ever free; The full life heaves and tosses Like an eternal sea! One endless living story! One poem spread abroad!