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Signs and wonders had abounded to prove the heaven-blessed character of the crusades. They had seen the Church growing steadily in power, and every possible means had been utilised to increase the flame of religious fanaticism. Expeditions might fail, but failure did not cure fanaticism.

Oh! it was the heaven-blessed face of Rayel, now bleeding and scarred and ghastly. I raised his head. The hair fell away where my hand touched it, and a groan escaped his lips. I could not speak nor weep nor utter any sound. A strange calmness came over my spirit and I sat there motionless, bending over him I loved so well, while the crowd of men looked on in silence.

All who possess treasures are in dread of thieves, but they do not, like women, lend wings and feet to their golden stores. The little blue flower of perfect felicity is not so common, that the heaven-blessed man who possesses it, should be simpleton enough to abandon it. Axiom. A woman is never deserted without a reason. This axiom is written in the heart of hearts of every woman.

An illustration of this is seen in the successful and Heaven-blessed Bethany Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia, founded and maintained and guided by that hundred-handed Briareus in the service of Christ my beloved friend, the Hon. John Wanamaker.

I have noted frankly a few of the changes that I have observed in the methods of our American pulpit during my long life, but not, I trust, in a pessimistic or censorious spirit God forbid that I should disparage the noble, conscientious, self-denying and Heaven-blessed labors of thousands of Christ's ministers in our broad land!

All who possess treasures are in dread of thieves, but they do not, like women, lend wings and feet to their golden stores. The little blue flower of perfect felicity is not so common, that the heaven-blessed man who possesses it, should be simpleton enough to abandon it. Axiom. A woman is never deserted without a reason. This axiom is written in the heart of hearts of every woman.

Let me add also my grateful acknowledgment of the very effective and Heaven-blessed work wrought by that noble organization, the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. As woman has been the sorest sufferer from the drink-curse, it is her province and her duty to do her utmost for its removal.

All who possess treasures are in dread of thieves, but they do not, like women, lend wings and feet to their golden stores. The little blue flower of perfect felicity is not so common, that the heaven-blessed man who possesses it, should be simpleton enough to abandon it. Axiom. A woman is never deserted without a reason. This axiom is written in the heart of hearts of every woman.

This dear pulpit, whose teachings are based on the Rock of Ages, will stand long after the lips that now address you have turned to dust. It will be visible from the judgment seat; and its witness will be that I determined to know not anything among you save Jesus Christ and Him crucified. To-day I write the last page in the record of thirty bright, happy, Heaven-blessed years among you.

Time seems to leave something better than colouring to a few Heaven-blessed women, who manage to escape wrinkles, and hardening, and crossness. I am often cross, and so are younger folk than I; and your boy Peter though how he comes to be your boy I don't know is very often cross too." "You have been very kind to Peter," said Lady Mary, laughing. "I am sorry you found him cross."