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"My dear Heathcock, are you alive still?" said Lady Dashfort: "I had really forgotten your existence." So had Count O'Halloran, but he did not say so. "Your ladyship has the advantage of me there," said Heathcock, stretching himself; "I wish I could forget my existence, for, in my mind, existence is a horrible bore." "I thought you was a sportsman," said Williamson. "Well, sir?"

"'Pon honour! here's a good thing, which I hope we shall live to finish," said Heathcock, sitting down before the collation; and heartily did he eat of eel-pie, and of Irish ortolans , which, as Lady Dashfort observed, "afforded him indemnity for the past, and security for the future."

But mind! not a word," said she, laying her finger upon her lips, "not a word before Heathcock of old Reynolds, or of the best part of the old fool his fortune!" "How low is she reduced," whispered Lord Colambre, "when such a husband is thought a prize and to be secured by a manoeuvre!" He sighed. "Spare that generous sigh!" said Sir James Brooke: "it is wasted."

Lady Clonbrony makes it such a point with me, that I believe I must look in upon her for a few minutes. They are going to a prodigious expense on this occasion. Soho tells me the reception rooms are all to be new furnished, and in the most magnificent style." "At what a famous rate those Clonbronies are dashing on," said colonel Heathcock. "Up to any thing."

Game existed in large quantities, the lakes abounding with water-fowl, such as ducks, teal, heron, snipe, etc.; and the wooded portions of the mountain tract giving shelter to the stag, the wild goat, the wild boar, the hare, the pheasant, and the heathcock, fish were also plentiful.

"'Twould be difficult, in some cases," thought many present. "'Pon honour, di'monds are cursed expensive things, I know!" said Heathcock. "But, be that as it may," whispered he to the lady, though loud enough to be heard by others, "I've laid a damned round wager, that no woman's diamonds married this winter, under a countess, in Lon'on, shall eclipse Lady Isabel Heathcock's! and Mr.

One morning Lady Dashfort had formed an ingenious scheme for leaving Lady Isabel and Lord Colambre TETE-A-TETE; but the sudden entrance of Heathcock disconcerted her intentions. He came to beg Lady Dashfort's interest with Count O'Halloran, for permission to hunt and shoot on his grounds.

''Twould be difficult, in some cases, thought many present. ''Pon honour, di'monds are cursed expensive things, I know! said Heathcock. 'But, be that as it may, whispered he to the lady, though loud enough to be heard by others, 'I've laid a damned round wager, that no woman's diamonds married this winter, under a countess, in Lon'on, shall eclipse Lady Isabel Heathcock's! and Mr.

Now there is Colonel Heathcock, one of the most fashionable young men you see, always with the Duchess of Torcaster and that set Heathcock takes a vast deal of notice of her, for him; and yet, I'm persuaded, she would not have him to-morrow, if he came to the PINT, and for no reason, REELLY now, that she can give me, but because she says he's a coxcomb. Grace has a tincture of Irish pride.

On the way I bought a rifle, three hundred cartridges, an ax, a knife, a sheepskin overcoat, tea, salt, dry bread and a kettle. I penetrated into the heart of the wood to an abandoned half-burned hut. From this day I became a genuine trapper but I never dreamed that I should follow this role as long as I did. The next morning I went hunting and had the good fortune to kill two heathcock.