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Twenty feet, and a long piece of string left. Twenty-one. Twenty-two. Twenty-three. An extra heartbeat or two. Twenty-four! Twenty-five and six inches over!! The Springfield elm may have grown a foot or more since I measured it, fifty years ago, but the tree at Magdalen stands ahead of all my old measurements.

And then one day out of the pellucid sky of babyhood, in answer to this invariable query, it was: "Yes, Lilly," so suddenly that something seemed to catch at her heartbeat, but after a pang she let it stand. Let Lilly's Zoe dawn upon you through this rather typical conversation between them, the night before the graduation from grade school: "Lilly, am I beautiful?"

Fear curdles the blood, anger floods the body with passion, sorrow flexes the proud head to earth and stifles the heartbeat; joy opens the floodgates of strength, and hope lifts up the head and braces man's soul. Man is said to be a rational being, but his thought is directed mainly against the problems of nature, much more rarely against his own problems.

It was soon noticed in the house that he avoided the picture-gallery nothing ever induced him to enter it. More than once, as he was walking through the woods, his heartbeat and his face flushed; there, beyond the trees lived his wife, his darling, from whom a fate more cruel than death had parted him. His wife! The longing to see her grew on him from day to day.

Something slipped by the open door something that glimmered faintly; and Lefty Joe knew that it was the red head of Donnegan. Donnegan, soft-footed as a shadow among shadows. Donnegan on a blood trail. It lowered the heartbeat of Lefty Joe to a tremendous, slow pulse.

We might increase the velocity by slowing time passage, that is, if it takes me a year for one heartbeat, two years to raise my arm thus, and six months to turn, my head, if all my body processes are slowed down in this way, I will be able to live a tremendous length of time, and though it takes me two hundred years to go from one star to another, so low is my time rate that the two hundred years will seem but a few minutes.

Every breath, every heartbeat was pregnant with contingencies of life and death. Groveling, they slipped forward, dim, moving shadows in a world of brown obscurity. At any moment, one might lay a hand on a sleeping puff-adder or a scorpion. But even that had been fore-reckoned. All three of them had thought of such contingencies and weighed them.

Murgatroyd climbed up into Calhoun's lap and with a determined air went to sleep there. Calhoun disturbed him long enough to get an instrument out of his pocket. He listened to Murgatroyd's heartbeat with it while Murgatroyd dozed. "Maril," he said. "Write down something for me. The time, and ninety-six, and one-twenty over ninety-four." She obeyed, not comprehending.

The kitchen doesn't drip all the time; the bathroom is the worst." Joe leaned over the bathroom sink, thumped it, and listened to its heartbeat. "Operation iss required." He opened the aluminum case. "Snazzo, so shiny," she said staring at the tools. "I'll fix the salad." Joe shut the water off and began dismantling a faucet, eventually reaching the washer, held by a brass screw.

And then we feel in our own hearts how indomitable is our sense of our right to happiness, how unconquerable our hope; how swiftly we forget unhappiness; how firmly we remember joy; and then we see that the one absolutely permanent and vital power in the world is the power of love, which wins victories over every evil we can name; and if it is so plain that love is the one essential and triumphant force in the world, it must be the very heartbeat of God; till we feel that when soon or late the day comes for us, when our swimming eyes discern ever more faintly the awestruck pitying faces round us, and the senses give up their powers one by one, and the tides of death creep on us, and the daylight dies that even so we shall find that love awaiting us in the region to which the noblest and bravest and purest, as well as the vilest and most timid and most soiled have gone.