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I will tell you, however, that I have had disturbing news which might make it necessary for us to leave the house in a hurry. I might not have time to come down here again before leaving." Marco stood with his back against a bit of wall and remained silent. There was stillness for a few minutes, and then there was to be heard the sound of footsteps marching away.

"She has heard no particulars nothing more than that?" "No: nothing." Jocelyn Gordon rose to this occasion also. "Can you go," she said, after a moment's thought, "to St. Paul de Loanda for me?" The man laughed. "Yes," he answered simply. "At once now?" "Oh, yes," with a sigh. Already Jocelyn was writing something on a sheet of paper. "Take this," she said, "to the telegraph office at St.

At the end of a grassy stretch of country was a village surrounded by a thick grove of coconut and betel-nut palms, and some of the enemy's scouts had been seen, and we heard their distant war-cry, a prolonged "ooh-h-h, ah-h-h," which was particularly thrilling, uttered as it was by great numbers of voices.

She heard him putting his bicycle in the stable underneath, and talking to Jimmy, who had been a pit-horse, and who was seedy. "Well, Jimmy my lad, how are ter? Nobbut sick an' sadly, like? Why, then, it's a shame, my owd lad." She heard the rope run through the hole as the horse lifted its head from the lad's caress. How she loved to listen when he thought only the horse could hear.

Alice grasped her brother's arm, and they remained motionless, while it came nearer, nearer, then quite near, with its clear, wild, shrill, melancholy note sounding close by them again and again strangely, plaintively then leaving the lawn, it was heard further and further off, till the last faint "whip-poor-will," in the far distance, ended its pretty interlude.

Pericles sank into his bear again, while Wilfrid Pole, who was swinging his long cavalry legs to rearward, shouted; and Mr. Sumner, a rising young barrister, walking beside Cornelia, smiled a smile of extreme rigidity. Arabella was punished for claiming rights of birth. She heard the murmuring course of the dialogue between Cornelia and Mr.

"It's all the more pitiful," he remarked, "because he gets nothing for it but the contempt he deserves. But I 've heard of this Cobbens. It seems to me that Miss Wycliffe compared him to a weasel." Emmet laughed, but almost immediately the intensity of his mood returned. "Cobbens is one of your own graduates," he went on, almost as if he held his listener responsible for that fact.

The footsteps they were double paused at the door and Dantes guessed that the two grave-diggers had come to seek him this idea was soon converted into certainty, when he heard the noise they made in putting down the hand-bier.

She tried to put another log on to the fire, but failed to grip it firmly with the little brass tongs, and it fell upon the rug. At that moment she heard the sharp trot of the horses coming up the last sweep of the park drive.

Slighter obstacles have deflected the course of events in those indeterminate moments when the soul floats between two tides. She sprang up quickly, and as her hand touched the latch she heard his step on the stairs. When he entered the drawing-room she had regained the writing-table and could lift a composed face to his.