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And thereafter the Abbot did do baptize the child, and gave him to name Coustans, because him-seemed that he costed exceeding much for the healing of him.

The Chief was now so interested in everything he saw that he indicated a desire to take a hand. The Professor was delighted at this beyond measure. He was gradually acquiring the language, as a child would, and his troublesome leg was healing rapidly.

Will it be a brain unspoiled by lust or dissipation, a mind trained to think and act, a nervous system true as a dial in its response to the truth about you?" The place and need of Home Missions as a present day healing force can be more fully realized when we consider the conditions peculiar to our country, which call urgently for greatly increased facilities for physical regeneration.

The old man's prejudices remained strong he was not prepared to yield; and Markland's self-love having been deeply wounded by Mr. Howland, he was not disposed to make any advances toward healing the breach that existed.

Now let us exorcise our own devils and get back to kindness toward all men of good will. That also is the only way to heal the heart of the world and our own state. Let us seek the beauty of life and God's truth somehow, remembering the boys who died too soon, and all the falsity and hatred of these past five years. By blood and passion there will be no healing. We have seen too much blood.

Accurately as he knew what remedies relieved Myrtilus in severe attacks of illness, he could scarcely dispense with an assistant or a leech for the other, and the idea swiftly flashed upon him that the wounded man would afford him an opportunity of seeing Ledscha again. She had told him more than once about the healing art possessed by old Tabus on the Owl's Nest.

The science of healing will become no chance and irrational thing. We shall use all the natural means to relieve and prevent suffering there will be no scoring of one set of doctors by another because all will have one purpose.

The girl, though she winced with pain, did not utter a sound. "There ain't any doctor this side of Anywhere," the kind voice ran on, "but never you mind. I'll risk but what I've got liniments that will doctor you up." And the girl, looking up into the peaceful old "lineaments," smiled faintly, and knew there was healing in them.

Also it became known that I had some skill in my art of healing, and it was said among the ladies of Seville that there lived no man in that city so deft at clearing the skin of blemishes or changing the colour of the hair as old Fonseca's nephew, and as any one may know this reputation alone was worth a fortune. Thus it came about that I was more and more consulted on my own account.

There were such things as hypnotism and magnetism and will-power, and abnormal mental stimulus on the part of the healed to say nothing of the Healing Springs.